Sunday 3 February 2008

The Shortest Blog So Far - Yay!

Hey there folks Out There Somewhere, this will be a short one, compared to the last few! As always, I never know if anyone's reading this... but heck, I write it anyway!

Jan 29th - Bills

Yep, I went through a whole bunch of bills today, as well s a ton of other papers. Took me a few hours, but I finally feel organized again... to a small degree. It will still take me a few weeks to get things put to rights around here, every book in its place and all that. More work. :)
At least my writing career seems to be taking off. No Great American( Canadian )novel sales as yet, but one has to start somewhere. I'll take getting paid for a series of small articles on a regular basis, yessiree! At least I won't be going into web design; my two efforts so far, and are great for what I wanted them to be, but will be making me exactly nothing, forever. At least it was fun designing them, and I can put some of my lighter creative work into new stories on occasion for both sites.
Speaking of light, my good friend Shiloh called me tonight on my Niagara phone number, so I was thrilled to talk to her. Sadly, she related some bad news on several fronts, so I felt my own problms shrink by comparison... sad how that works, too. Still, she's one of the few people who have called me, which is bitter as I've sent out numerous emails with my # in them, reminding people they can call me for FREE from Niagara. I guess it just goes to show that people get a little too busy for the small things.... and that I should be more proactive in calling people, at least for a little while. Maybe next week!

Jan 30th - Back to work, doggie!

Not much to say, worked in the evening today. As usual, everyone I work with is fantastic... which makes the STRESS I'm being put under there all the more bitter. Not that I can get into details, but for those loyal blog-readers out there, I have mentioned the reason already. Sad to say, it's only getting worse. It's a true juxtaposition of people versus paper, ironic in all it's mind-shredding glory. Suffice to say, I'm not sleeping well at night, and I'm finding grey hairs now... *sigh* Not what I need after the last four days of sweating buckets to get my place in order.

Jan 31st - Short Sh(r)ift Day

Same stress, less working hours. I know that everyone, in every job since the dawn of time, likes to complain about their work. I'm no different, but I do know this: nobody cares. :) Those few lucky souls who are in jobs they love better watch out, 'cuz I'll find you, and douse you in cod liver oil then set some starving cats on you - you've been warned.

Feb 1st - A New Month! TV Shows!

Welcome to February, when the thoughts of the young turn to love, and the thoughts of the older and wiser folk turn to paying their Christmas bills. Myself, I went to work for the early shift today, opening the store and generally not enjoying myself. It's sad when almost eight years with a company means little in a new branch... but I won't go into that. Suffice to say( love that phrase )that escapism seems to be on a rampant rise in the last few decades, as people find new and exciting methods to push the daily job grind from their minds.

Speaking of escapism, I've discovered I have quite a few favourite TV shows( insert audience groan track here ), so I thought I'd share a few of them here( since it is my blog, and I can )in no particular order: Babylon5( my all-time fave show!! ), Stargate( SG-1 and Atlantis both ), Undergrads( only 1 season! ), Farscape( Jim Henson, we miss you! ), Samurai Jack( amazing visuals and writing ), Battlestar Galactica( the new one ), Alias( still working in it Mike! ), Firefly( even Kris couldn't un-cool it ), Reboot( ah, Tara in 1998! ), Dave The Barbarian( the wacky humour is RIGHT on my level ), MegasXLR( only a few weak eps ), Star Blazers( introduced me to Anime! ), Robotech( futher fanned my fan fires for Anime! ), Thundercats( one of the coolest cartoon intros ever ), Venture Brothers( a total sendup of all things cartoon ), as well as quite a few shows that are off the air from years past... but thanks to DVD, we can BUY reruns now instead of just waiting for the networks to recycle them. Isn't consumerism grand?
Next week: My Fave Movies...

Feb 2nd - How to Miss The Bus

After my ususal disappointing saturday morning cartoon meh-ness, I went to work for the closing shift. All in all, it wasn't so bad... except for the fact that after finishing as best I could as fast as I could, I missed my bus by sixty seconds. I'm sure everyone can relate to that sinking, frustrated feeling you get in the pit of your stomach as you see your buss pass by... or pull away from the stop ahead as you break into a yelling sprint... ah. So I discovered the hard way tonight that I lived exactly thirty-three minutes away on foot, at a Missed-My-Effing-Bus-By-Less-Than-A-Minute walking pace. Good exercise, that, in the cold too.

Feb 3rd - a Day Alone @ Work.

I was on my ownsome today for the short Sunday shift: I both opened and closed the store, just like I used to to back in Niagara... save there, I didn't have nearly as much initialling papers to do. *cough* Oh, and since everyone at work is sick( some with strep throat! )it was soothing to my twitchy sinues to not have sick folk around - best rest in bed kids, and get better soon. Of course, it was a BUSY day, so by myself I got exactly five minutes to both eat AND take a pee break - no fun, especially if you know how fast I usually move when it's busy. Snag that for 8.5 hours and can you sad, TIRED? Yeah.... at least I caught my bus. Barely. I have to say though, my choice of residences rocks: my bus route takes me to within a block of work, and goes past ALL the places I might need to go. I may not even buy a bike until later in the year, just a bus pass. Um?
Of course, more work when I got home: laundry! There are two pay machines here, at only $1.25 a load. Not exciting, but not having to leave the building to do laundry is a BIG plus... hanging stuff to dry in my bathroom is not so great, but again it beats killing hours at the laundromat, time I can spend doing other more productive things. Got three loads done in a few hours, with minimal trips on the stairs: nice. Rene also called from work, which was great! He's one of the Few Fine Folks who call me... miss ya, big guy! :)
Now a-bed, to dream of all the work I can get tomorrow on MY DAY OFF. *happy tired sigh*

That was a bit longer than I'd planned... but if I was able( willing? )to write down ALL the things I wanted, I'd be here for hours every week. Plus, this would become a Bloated Blog...


shiloh said...

Hey Peter! Just wanted to let you know that I DID read your blog today (and every week ;o) ) and that I am enjoying it thoroughly! Keeps me busy at to hear you are still having some troubles. I will double check your schedule and give you a call this week when I know you will be home! Hope you have a better week this week.

Oh and by the way....your t.v. show list...I was surprised that there were only 3 that are on my fav list....interesting.....

Anonymous said...

The author should note that although he may not have been called he is often thought of and mentioned by his friends. His Absence is felt if not proclaimed upon high. It is not unsusal for people to ask if he will be attending a get together only to realize he has left as all and moved far away!