Tuesday 25 March 2008

Cherry trees make for love in the shade...

"In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love" - Tennyson

March 23rd - Easter Dinner

I worked a mid-shift today, only 5.5 hours due to it being a holiday, so not so bad. After work I went to my parent's place for a last-minute Easter dinner, which was great. I watched a recording of Stargate Atlantis, recorded last week( yet I've not had time to see it ) - Richard Dean Anderson was a guest star again, and seems a little tired compared to earlier years as Jack O'Neil. Still, I am enjoying the show, though they seem to have become a little TOO 'chummy' and comfortable among the main cast - that edgy dynamic of SG-1 seems blunted in Atlantis.

March 24th - The Pachira Plant

It's always nice to have a Monday off, even if it is a holiday... whatever that means. While I was out today( most stores were open, but the banks were closed ), I picked up a Pachira plant at the local chinese corner store. It's a cool-looking miniature tree, grows slowly, and most importantly, it's very hard to kill through neglect. The local store calls them 'Money Trees', and this link explains why - they are considered good luck and are often given as housewarming gifts. So I have a plant now for my place, it won't take up too much room and I should be able to keep it alive... I hope!

March 25th - Friends on a Day Off

Two calls today that made me smile, both within an hour of each other. Rene called with some good news, and so did Brian. Brian also told me that my first email with contact info I sent out a week before I left Niagara had an error in it: my Niagara-area phone number was missing a few digits - perhaps that explains why so few people have managed to get ahold of me here. So I set my voicemail to come on after 30 seconds, and to ring my cell at the same time... hopefully that will improve things a little, but Vonage seems to be a little off on their tech promises, so we'll see.
I spent a good part of the day doing paper-sorting, trying to get my mess into some kind of order. I also relaxed, wrote a little, and generally tried to enjoy my last day off.

March 26th - The Holy Grail

A shorter mid-shift today, with only a few idiots, whom I managed to effectively deal with per usual... sometimes I wonder how people get through life being so miserable to other human beings. Then I shake myself and give thanks that I don't have to deal with them every day like their families or co-workers... *shudder* Things could be worse, so there you go.
I watched most of Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail tonight, along with a bottle of "Monty Python's Holy Ail" - a nice beer that I found locally. Love that movie, though by this point I can spout all the dialogue verbatim... yet it holds up well for its age.

March 27th - Camera Thoughts

I'm considering getting a camera for myself in the next few weeks, as I never seem to have one handy when the good shots present themselves. While I purchased a solid point-and-shoot for my parents, and can borrow it anytime, I'm loathe to buy the same Fuji f50 camera twice, so I am looking at similar price-range cameras but with different capabilities, such as super-zoom. We'll see if anything manages to convince me to go against my miserly ways in the next month or so.
Worked a close shift today, and it was fairly busy. Nothing untoward though, so that was nice... even the couple of 'regular idiots' who came in today left without being their usual selves; a surprising but welcome relief all the same.

March 28th - Pubs and Pot Pie

After working a solid mid-shift today, I considered going out for the evening... but sitting in a pub reading a book over dinner still seems a little lonely for me right now, and the fact that pub far usually means I have a limited menu choice of what I can eat also doesn't help. I am hoping that the new herbal treatment I have been using for the last few weeks will help change that limitation in the near future, over the coming year. So I tucked into a nice chicken pot pie with a few sides - these things are simply amazing, from the SaveOnFoods grocery over by my parent's place. I've tried quite a few from various places, both frozen and fresh, and the sheer quality that SaveOn puts into their fresh pot pies is stunning - the things are literally packed with chicken( plus veggies )compared to the meager bits that every other place grudgingly sticks in their pies. Plus the prep is easy, and they're great both fresh and frozen. Which is good for busy days here.

March 29th - Changeable Weather

One thing about the weather here in Victoria, it's never all-day-the-same. While I was working today, it went from rain... to sun... to rain... to sunnier... to rain... and then sunny again on my way home on the bus. I'm not talking breaks in a cloudy sky here, no... full-on rainy downpour to blue-sky sunny and back again, in the space of an hour or so. And back again. It's nice, as you don't necessarily have to expect that waking up to rain means rain ALL day - you could be sitting on a patio by afternoon or evening with perfect weather. Looking forward to that this summer!
Otherwise, a plain-jane day, worked my last day at the Quadra branch until the early evening. And no sign of A____ today, which was disappointing. Oh well. I spent part of the night in NWN working in a story plot... that didn't end so well. Frustrating, but them's the breaks sometimes.

March 30th - First day at the new branch

I worked the entire day at my new Fort St. branch today, which was nice - as it was a Sunday, I had the place to myself. So the work got done, and I familiarized myself with the branch once again, as I can never seem to find things just when I need them... of course. I am also hoping that this smaller branch has a commensurately lower share of daily idiots, but one never knows.
I managed to miss BOTH buses heading home, so I soothed my ruffled feathers by having dinner at the Subway a few steps away - that will be convenient in many ways I think, for last-minute lunches, breakfast before work and so forth. I like the new location, and I hope I can manage to minimize my bus travel-time home, at least until I get myself a bike and eliminate that time wasted sitting around and in transit.

Seems the page counter is working, which is nice... now I can see that people ARE reading this thing, which is also VERY nice - see you all next week!

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