Moral of the story? Don't expect Windows to know what the hell it's doing. And keep a backup copy!
The word of the week is melancholy. Because a good friend noticed.
Dec 6 – Questions and Sunsets
Ask yourself Two Questions, in order to gain focus in your life? Sure, why not. Getting some direction in your life is always a good thing, especially if you’re not sure that what you’re doing is what you’re meant to be doing – if you’re one of those people who believe in Fate( I’m not ). Then again, there’s the argument that there’s no such thing as coincidence, that everything happens for a reason… some things in this life can’t be easily explained, and others we just shrug off because we’re uneasy examining them too closely. Have a look at the Two Questions and see if you might make a difference in your own life by the addition of simplification.
Dec 7 – Routing Mountains
Ah, irony. I spent a few hours this morning tweaking, pleading and generally getting annoyed with my parent's router. I had it working the way I wanted it to by noon... which was when the replacement NEW router arrived with the mail. Perfect timing. The new NetGear WNDR3700 was a little slow to set up, but I was impressed not only with its speed, but the fact that I didn't have to dig around to get my Vonage IP phone OR my Xbox connected to the 'net. They worked immediately after being plugged in – something my old D-Link DIR-655 couldn't manage without internal surgery. Some hours of gaming and surfing later let me to conclude that my only bottleneck now is the speed of our internet connection, which admittedly is just fine for general surfing, VOIP and gaming, perhaps not all at the same time. I'm cheap, but when you buy quality, it shows sometimes.
Dec 8 – Lakes and Linux
Whoops – I managed to brick two of my computers before lunch today; not a thing to be proud of. I skilfully resurrected the older laptop with a re-install of Fedora13 Linux, so it was up and running by late evening, after which I added some more programs and functionality to it. I took a break around lunch to play some COD: Black Ops with friends, having a few really great games. Sometimes I get in the groove, sometimes it gets me – there were some truly awful games today for me. All in all, it was a good second of two days off, which only a few phone calls from work. I also spent a few hours reviewing Telus' Terms Of Service, looking for things that will allow me to tweak their nose about my 2-year contract with no phone that I'm stuck in; really, really not impressed with that, as a long-term customer of theirs.
Dec 9 – Long Days and Large Hotels
Due to staffing constraints, I worked a split shift today, opening the store and taking a couple of hours off in the afternoon before heading back in to close the store again. I headed over to McDonald's again on Island Highway, where I spent a few hours surfing and typing. Their seats are definitely designed to encourage people to leave after their meal, NOT for long-term comfort. Sadly, their fireplace is never on, as it smells of gas… but you think they’d get it fixed, especially in the winter!
Dec 10 – Rainbows and Stuff
Every two weeks today: payday. For some, it’s no biggie, but for others, it’s a relief to have some money in the account again. I’ve been in both places and I have to say that planning ahead( ‘budgeting’ )is the way to go. Not so much living in denial of your debts but planning ahead for your future freedom… as well as making sure you don’t blow things by way of a flashing new car / TV / home addition. Too many people live paycheque to paycheque in Canada; I wonder how much happier we’d all be if we didn’t worry even half as much about needing a day job to pay for all our Stuff? Stuff can’t make you happy, talk to you when you’re sad, or come with you easily on a trip around the world(’s gnomes notwithstanding ). It’s all about the people, people: friends, family and yes, even some co-workers( who can become like family, of course ). Don’t feed the Stuff Syndrome; be a people person instead.
Dec 11 – Fearing Change
A whole lotta heavy this week, weighing on my mind. I know the holidays are times where people tend to become down, and I fight against that – but I can feel it happening all the same. I’ve a lot to be thankful for, as I could be in a lot worse places in life – yet it’s human nature to ignore their blessings and list all the things They Could Have or Could Have Been. Kind of Scrooge-like, in a way, where he is visited by ghosts of his past, present and future to show him he has to change. In my case, I like who I am… but it’s not doing anything for me, or getting me anywhere, so what’s the point, really? Does it matter? These and other existential questions have kept my mind ticking over into the wee hours this week, with no answers forthcoming that I can see.
Dec 12 – Life’s a Beach
A good chunk of today was used up playing COD: Black Ops, which had its moments but overall really annoyed me – seriously. I don’t know what it is, but my trigger levels seem to be lowered when I play the game and I end up feeling angry / frustrated for most of the day. Must be symptoms of SAD or emotional instability( unlike me, that )which are manifest through my getting my ass handed to me online. Which I suppose would frustrate anyone; going up against the world and finding you suck more than you win each time can be grinding to the ego. I try to learn from my games, but most times I just can’t get my game on. Suck It Up, Princess.
Blog’s shorter this week because I didn’t feel like noting much there, other than a few of my less grim thoughts, and because Samuel asked for pictures. Obliged.
Great pictures this week Peter, I really liked them.
That website about the two questions is really funny, just look at the link: [...]intrinsic-motivation-and-magical-unicorns[...] LOL! Actually its quite serious and annoying.
I must say I am too logical and scientific to be able to have "faith" in fate or any other mystical construct... However, I am deeply troubled by many of life's coincidences... So as a good detective I say there must be something worth looking into here!
You bricked two PC!!!??? TWO??! You are a fracking PC killer you!
I'll have high tea with you ^_^ but only because I want to be pretentious, not because I like tea *giggle*.
That double rainbow is something I've never seen before. Nice beach too, I love beaches, well warm ones hehe.
-Urgh- yes.. video games.. Especially shooter games, can be very frustrating in multiplayer. The best thing to do is to just stop playing them when you feel frustration coming. And watch an episode of teletubbies.
Why are you stewing again over such desperately complicated questions like "Who am I, what am I doing? Is my life what I want?"
Argh, the curse of having a brain lol. I keep telling myself life would be better if you were a dumb person, unable to ponder about any complicated subject. Happiness by stupidity! Love it.
Well I wish you a good new week Peter, and come join us this evening on AoN for part 2 of this very interesting quest: the missing Bishop and the Infernal One. Tonight around 8pm eastern time.
Shilling a friend of a friend's blog about his social experiment.
Start at the bottom and work your way to the top.
Samuel: Unicorns should never be serious. :-) Neither should PC building; sometimes they fritz; just don't be afraid of the possibility. Tea is good for you, whereas FPS games may not be... unless they have Teletubbies in them, which I might enjoy depending on the deathcam animations. ;-P
Dumber = happier... yes, I've heard this many times from many people in this life. It has much of the ring of truth to it; the less you know, the happier you can be within the boundaries of your 'limited' knowledge.
Lucas: Nice blog shill, I'll be sure to keep up on it. Thanks! :-)
Peter: I want that FPS game with Teletubbies!
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