Sunday 19 August 2012

Luck, Lifestyle and Living Large

The word of the week is attitude.

Aug 13 - Volcano Yacht!

We’ve all played the game “If I won a lot of money, I’d do / buy …” ( insert expensive item here ), right? I’ve played it just as much as other people and I wasn’t surprised to learn what a lot of Canadian winners did when  they’d won – only 5% didn’t seek professional financial advice( they probably were bankers already ).

What would I do with it? Get cool stuff that’s useful… mostly. While I don’t love the ocean, I DO like the idea of cruising around on my own boat( not sharing it with tourists, right? )to see the world at a slower pace. Getting a VERY expensive private jet doesn’t really appeal to me due to the massive ongoing costs… and that if an engine fails on a plane, it’s not as easy to land in water than a boat with a bad engine is. To wit:

So something like the Tropical Island Yacht might appeal to me if millions fell into my hands. I’d definitely do some changing to the design though; sailing around the world with a giant volcano on the top of the boat doesn’t strike me as being cool a few years into ownership. Maybe a fake Mayan temple with a waterfall instead?

Aug 14 - Starships Dancing? Nice!

Flying as a profession isn’t my cuppa tea; I don’t have a head for heights or a constitution for heavy g-forces. I can appreciate the views from high above the earth and how they make you feel though. So what if you’re WAY above the Earth, as in outer space? Spaceships in TV and film do incredible things, thanks to the work of the many artists that bring them to life, especially when those ships and their crews are performing some amazing acts, usually in the name of heroism. The video below is set to a song by Nikki Menaj, whom I’ve never heard of( shocking? Not for me )and it’s catchy. The first couple of minutes made me break out into a rare smile, as the video clips are perfect for the song… kudos to the artist who put this together( password is 'starships' ):

While it DOES have Farscape clips in there, I can’t BELIEVE that there’s not a single frame from Babylon 5… ! Ah well… maybe it’s better that B5 doesn’t get mixed up with the likes of Menaj, or the universe might  implode. I mean, starships and beaches? Hmm, maybe distant shores are metaphors for galaxies…

Aug 15 – I’m a Winner, Twice!

Since I left my job earlier this year, I’ve been enjoying the flexibility of my days – when I wasn’t moving, wrecking my arms or otherwise busy doing things like writing a 100,000 word novel or trying to find a job that I can do with just my toes to type with.

It’s also meant that I’ve entered more than a few contests over the last few months; I’ve used to vet ALL the contests that I choose to enter, as it filters out the scam artists and makes sure that every entry is valid for Canadians. I’ve got the ‘contest routine’ down to about 30 minutes a day, which is great and gives me that little ‘hope-thrill’ that I might win something…

Today, I DID! TWICE! Two emails came in today within an hour of each other to tell me that I was a contest winner! Mine for FREE was a $50 Subway card and even better: a Lagostina cookware set worth over $400 - BOOYAH! The Subway card arrived the next day and the cookware will be a few weeks in transit before I can pick it up locally from Safeway… and my sister’s already claimed it, as she’s said it’s a VERY high-quality set. I’m just thrilled and I’m very grateful to the universe that smiled on me today.

Aug 16 - Chapter 30 is DONE!!!

Holy fubar, it’s HOT out there! My apartment’s a cool 74F but that doesn’t do me any good when the ceiling’s vibrating to the tune of tiny feet bent on reaching critical mass. Yeah. I had to go up to the SkyLounge, opened every window and both sliding doors which got a breeze going, thankfully; then I was able to write. It was difficult, as I pace when I verbalize and the heat made even that rather taxing.

BUT: I produced what I think was my best chapter yet AND it’s also the 30th one! So I have less than ten chapters left to go, probably more like six or seven by my count. It’s astonishing that I’ve made it so far so fast after getting the ball rolling in earnest back in June 2012. At that point I only had a half-dozen chapters written, some of which were unfinished to boot. Having my wrists in the state they are in, I couldn’t have gone any faster typing the chapters myself, so my mother’s suggestion to have HER type was incredibly generous on her part. It ALSO freed me creatively, for as I’ve said before I’ve been able to simply DESCRIBE each scene as I see it in my head and it is translated to the page without my being distracted by spelling errors and all the other things that typing can interrupt your flow with.

Now I have to write the hardest half-dozen chapters yet, to wrap up the book and let the reader fall back into their chair with a rapturous sense of satisfaction.

That’s not going to be easy. But it IS going to be exciting to try to get there!

Aug 17 - Two Cool Things In September

I’m the first to admit I don’t get out much, but it’s not for a lack of things to do around here that are inexpensive or even free. There’s two events coming in September that I’ll definitely be making time to take part in. Well, be AT, anyone.

One is the re-release of Raiders of the Lost Ark for the IMAX screen! I absolutely loved this film as a kid and I watch it every few years just to remind myself of the incredible sense of adventure it’s imbued with. Harrison Ford was the perfect choice for Indiana Jones and the humour that is woven throughout the film also appeals to me greatly. Seeing it on the huge IMAX screen will be just incredible!

Less massive in scale but still a spectacle in its own right is the Victoria Chalk Drawing Festival 2012, which features several artists who do unbelievable 3D-perspective drawings on sidewalks! I’ve caught a fair few of these over the years online and to have people doing it IN TOWN is very exciting! I wonder if they’ll do any pieces from fantasy or sci-fi… ? I can’t wait to find out!

Aug 18 – Ad Creep

Try this experiment: search for a few unrelated things using Google or Yahoo, then go visit your favourite websites. See how many of the ads that pop up are targeted along the lines of what you JUST searched for. Find this disturbing at all?

I know we live in an age of tracking cookies( mmmm…. )and similar technology, but I am somewhat freaked out by the thought of our world tumbling into a Minority Report advertising hell. Or like Fry in Futurama, when Leela asks him if he had ads in the 21st century:

“Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio, and in magazines, and movies, and at ball games... and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts, and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no siree.”

I’ve been diligent in checking the apps I’ve installed on my phone for ads, especially the ones using ‘AirPush’ which can pop up ads at ANY time while you’re using the phone, not just the app, using the Notification bar. While I’m all for developers making money on their apps, I don’t hold with being spammed while I’m not USING their app; that’s just dirty pool.

Aug 19 - Head Noise

I’ve wrote a good portion of this week’s blog upstairs in the SkyLounge on August 18th, due to the noise in my apartment. It’s a great space that I’m happy to have available to me for FREE to go to when I need it; it’s not home and it’s not work and THAT is the key element to help me keep my sanity. August 19th saw me spend much of my day OUT, as the SkyLounge was prepped for some kind of party and the noise overhead was unrelentingly severe as the kids ran laps around their apartment screaming and thumping.

For those who snark that I am being an 'old man' about the noise, let me posit this to you: think about how you spend most of your day. Is it at a job? Good; let’s say that job is how you make your living. Now imagine if someone came up to you every five minutes during the day, got IN YOUR FACE and interrupted the work you needed to be doing to make a living in a way that’s impossible to ignore given the nature of your work – I’ll leave you to imagine the details. The faint whisper of the muse, the diaphanous images in my head, are my work that I hope to translate into what I do for a living. When noise intrudes too far into my muse and my mind-images, I can’t hear or see them; it’s the equivalent of being poked in the eye every five minutes. If you want to feel how that is, all you need is a finger and a clock… go right ahead. I'll wait.

Please, no more snarking about how noise bothers me. My eyes have developed nervous twitches again, my back is a mess of knots and I’m trying desperately to cope. If you call yourselves my friends in reading this blog, please know that I’m not being dramatic here or fishing for attention. Just understand. That’s what friends do, right? I don’t think I’ve EVER looked at someone else’s pain and dismissed it offhand. Why would you do the same?

It's been a tiring day, Sunday; I've had little sleep. I took today and tomorrow 'off' so I can tighten up the outlines for the last chapters of the book and it's hard going. Everything has to wrap up properly while keeping the pace of the action going and I'm wasn't feeling it today. So I went for a walk in Beacon Hill Park with my sister in the sunshine and got a root beer softserve cone; all three really picked up my mood as did watching a few episodes of Arrested Development in the evening. I LOVE that show! I'm going to make it an early night tonight, as I have WorkBC seminars every day this week at 9am; mix that in with finishing off the last half-dozen chapters of my novel and it's going to be a BUSY week!

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