Sunday 2 September 2012

Novel first draft is FINISHED!

The word of the week is perspective.

Aug 27 - Farewell to... Zellers?

I wandered through a Zellers today at the Hillside Mall, mainly out of morbid curiosity. I'd shopped a fair bit there over the years, but not for the last five or so. Maybe longer. I'd always gone in with a shrug of the shoulders and the thought 'Maybe I will find something good today' in mind. I never really did.

Today was no exception; of the masses of pawed-through merchandise in all the departments, I ended up getting a pair of AAA Lithium batteries for about 30% off. That was it.

Soon Zellers will join the ranks of Eatons, Woolco and K-Mart among the dead or chains of stores that couldn't figure out how to compete. They maintained a stock of merchandise but couldn't maintain a lead in their markets, where consumers tempted by choice and price often went elsewhere. The occasional rare 'Hey, that was a good bargain!' experience is not enough to keep people coming back…

I can't say I'll miss them. Their toy section was always so-so.

Aug 28 - A hard day's writing

As you may have guessed, the theme for this week's blog is writing. LOTS of writing.

Today was a hard one for it; EVERY kind of distraction you can think of tossed itself at me. From a fender-bender RIGHT OUTSIDE my window to the kids above staying in for the day, it was trying. A constant flow of heavy trucks and emergency sirens hammered at me from the road while feet hammered at me from above, so I bundled my things and escaped upstairs - or so I thought.

Would you believe that a pair of seagulls picked TODAY to chase each other around on the roof? Right outside the SkyLounge, they decided to have some kind of lover's spat for an HOUR! I yelled at them through the windows, tossed a few pebbles nearby and tried ignoring them. Eventually they left and I managed to finish the other half of the chapter, but I was worn out for the day...

Aug 29 - The Earth Moved!

While writing the second-last chapter of my novel today, the earth shook. It was an earthquake!

A brief one, registering 3.0 on the Richter Scale - have look here.

It happened after 3pm, as the sun was shining. I was tossing words onto the page and then I myself was tossed for a moment. It felt and sounded like the idiot woman in the condo above had moved a huge heavy something-or-other across the floor, which she has done several times before. So I simply ignored it and moved on with my writing for another hour, thinking nothing of it.

Only after we were done for the day did I hear on the news it had been an earthquake; oops! Nothing fell off the walls and there was no reported damage anywhere. The epicenter was RIGHT UNDER where I was writing at my parent's place in Langford; it seems that even Mother Nature tried to toss a distracting rock into my creative pond while I was trying to finish the novel! Sheesh!


I wrote the final chapter of my novel today. The first draft's done.


I wasn't certain that I'd hit my self-imposed deadline of August 31st 2012 when I started writing in earnest back in June 2012. As of then, I had only six chapters partially completed after six months of effort and my arms weren't letting me write any faster. I was stymied physically and creatively.

Teaming up with my mother proved to be the catalyst: I was freed to CREATE and not be distracted by the details of spelling and minor typing errors. The words began to flow and by the end of July I was often completing about a chapter per day and averaging half a chapter a day since the start of July when you worked in days when I didn't write.

Completing my novel today felt exhilarating! Then I felt exhaustion crash over me; it's been a LONG ride.

Now the hard part begins: making it BETTER. I have lots of notes. :-)

Aug 31 - Incentive!

The first thing I did today was call about a new cell phone. I promised myself that if I finished my novel's first draft by the end of August, I would treat myself by replacing my crazy-making HTC Desire HD cell...

With a Samsung Galaxy SIII - now THAT was incentive for me!

I wasn't sold on it though; the thought of signing another 3-year contract gave me the willies due to my bad experience 2 years ago with Telus and a new LG IQ phone. But: whilst in the mall earlier in the week watching Zellers dry up, I noticed that the Telus store had a sign out the front with 'Trade Your Phone In For Credit' plastered on it. Once I was back home, I looked up 'trade' on their website and discovered that my HTC Desire HD is worth $65 if I traded it in for a new phone. Which is a LOT more than I thought I'd get for it; even at twice that, they're still selling on eBay. Curious, I then worked a few numbers: if I sprang for a Samsung Galaxy SIII on a 3-year contract( gah! )I'm looking at $160+tax, minus the $65 credit, minus a $20 'loyalty credit' leaving me with about $75. Which was approaching a good thing!

So this is what I did today: I called Telus and spent over an hour wrangling a deal with the rep, who ended up crediting me $65 for my current HTC phone AND I don't have to hand it over… so I can SELL it for $180 on eBay, I hope! AND, it gets BETTER: There's a 'loyalty bonus' of $20, plus Telus is giving away 5,000 Scene Points( equal to 5 free movies! )for each contract renewal or new phone until Sept 30th - that's worth $75. PLUS: All Samsung Galaxy SIII's come with 50gigs of DropBox cloud storage FREE, which is worth $99+tax  / year. What's the total, you ask? The phone cost me $160+tax, but with the freebies and credits, I ended up AHEAD by over $350! So in the end, they PAID me to get a Samsung Galaxy SIII; THAT is what I call a deal!

My new 'superphone' should arrive in a little over a week. Yay!

Sept 1 - A Day Off!

Today was great: nothing planned except to enjoy the day!

Except I was really, really tired; for some reason I couldn't fall asleep last night until 2am and the usual early noises work me at 7am… so I was pretty tired; I had went to see the new Spiderman reboot last night at the IMAX and it was finished well before 11pm, so it wasn't that. Or was it?

Anyway, I spent part of the day out with my sister just wandering the downtown area, enjoying the crowds; there were 3 cruise ships in so there was a lot of people-watching to do. I even found a great fall jacket at MEC that I received Full Sisterly Fashion Approval on, so I'll be back to get in very shortly. Cool!

The lack of sleep hit me in the early afternoon, so I passed out for a bit and then went to Moka House to soak up some of the great sunshine. There were again a ton of people out and it was just great to be within easy walking distance of such a perfect afternoon hangout spot. No hedgehog today, though!

Sept 2 - 250 Posts? Um…

Almost two months ago, I wrote what I thought was my 250th post. I was wrong...

It's today. Oops.

Seems I neglected to go through my ENTIRE list of posts to winnow out over a half-dozen drafts that were tucked in there( written but not posted )that threw off my count. So there you are: live and learn.

It was a fairly lazy Sunday for me, one again without any online gameplay - my arms are simply not up to it. I did however find a HECK of a deal for XboxLive points! A place called in the USA is currently selling points for about 12.5 cents per point or 30% off retail. So I picked up 4000pts for $50.00 CAN all told - quite the deal and fairly easy process to complete online. Best of all? No duty!

In the evening I watched a few episodes of Arrested Development with my sister; we're both fans of the show. Even though I've seen it previously a few times, I try to go a few years between viewings just to make the zaniness all the more fresh when I see it again. The twists and turns of the writing are wonderful, as is the cast - I was tickled to hear that the FOURTH SEASON is currently underway for release on NetFlix in 2013!!!

A few weeks from now and my compiled manuscript will be on it's way to a few lucky beta readers! So far only a few people have asked and I am being rather careful about sending it out - it's a year of my life in the form of a single file and I want to ensure it stays safe! I'm hoping the feedback I get will better inform my second draft and really tighten up the novel!


dag said...

Done the novel?! Congrats! You have (had) an HTC Desire? Me too. I'm still trucking along with it. Amazing how tech can change in three years. I'm going to look into other Cell providers - Telus' data plans are a joke IMHO. Take care P.

Soronos said...

THanks Dag! :-)

My Desire HD drives me nuts; HTC Sense crashes half a dozen times a day and the CPU can't do more than 2 things at once - music stutters dozens of times while the GPS tries to lock on during fitness walks, etc.

I've tried to adjust it with a custom ROM, task tweaks and more, but to no avail. So rather than turn every song into random rap, I'm replacing it. For my sanity. :)

Telus' plans ARE sad, but you should watch to catch when the rare GOOD plans show up. I managed to snag a 6gb data promo a few weeks ago that was only on for a week or so, same price as what I was paying for 1gb before.

Luke said...

Good deal on the Microsoft Points. I already know how you are spending 2400 of them...

(and congrats etc)