Sunday 13 January 2013

Perceptions, Persistence and Paper Spaceships

The word of the week is persistence.

January 7 - Homeless Stars

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a lot on my mind this month.

It's always fallen to me to be the one who worries and plans for the worst… and I've become rather good at it. But it's meant my mind is ALWAYS chewing away at the gristle of doubt and as such I usually find myself running in mental loops about What Might Happen.

What may happen in the next couple of months has my mind spinning with doubt, despite my efforts.

So I have to KEEP reminding myself that things can change for the better, as well as worse. That my attitude is what will bring my perceptions around to the positive, in the end, no matter what happens. I can only plan to a point with the resources I have and go with what ends up coming my way - success or failure aren't permanent states, no matter what I think right now.

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Just look at how some of the most famous people of our time had to deal with adversity on their own journey towards success. Many Oscar winners were homeless at various points in their lives, facts which I was totally unaware of. When J.K. Rowling was writing her stories, she was divorced with a small child and living off welfare in a tiny apartment. She and so many others refused to wallow in their situation, bad as it might be; instead, they worked their way through to find success in their own way, on their own terms.

Success is a Journey.... *click for FULL size*

My success is waiting for me. I just have to find a way to get there this year.
January 8 - A Memory Of Light

Yes! The FINAL book of Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time series is out today, number fourteen! AMOL is something I've been wanting to read for quite a few years, if only to see how it all gets wrapped up.

However, the digital age has not quite caught up with publishers, even one as large as TOR: I can't purchase AMOL for my Kindle - at least not yet. So I'll just have to wait, as I'm trying to cut down on book-space being used in my place and the WOT books are monsters in size, relatively; AMOL is nearly a thousand pages long! Parsing that will be a read of a few weeks, even for me, when I get it. If you don't mind some spoilers, there's a solid review of it HERE, from which I've pulled this quote:

The result is not The Wheel of Time you may be familiar with. A Memory of Light is a brutal, bruising, 900-page war novel that kicks off with all hell breaking loose and doesn't pause for breath until the ending.

January 9 - More Mech games?

Just as I'm digging into the meat of MechWarrior Online( I found a MWO MechLab simulator! )this month, I've discovered another PC video game based on the BattleTech world: MechWarrior Tactics. It looks incredible AND it's as close to the old tabletop game as you can get, visually and in terms of play!

The game is browser-based, meaning it's accessible from a wide variety of computers and not as dependent on having the best video card you can afford. But that's not the selling point. What's killer about MWT is that it replicates the hex-based turn-by-turn combat of the old tabletop BattleTech game, using virtual mechs moving around simulated battlefields 
in a quasi-real-time manner.

Click to see the AMAZING action detail!

Put simply: you choose your mechs, give them orders and watch the carnage erupt! Add tactics, damage, salvage, customization and many other factors to the mix and you have an engrossing game, one I will definitely have to check out. Where I'll find the time is another matter.

January 10 - Miss Iron Man?

Speaking of mechanical action, check out this lovely bit of Photoshopping:

Sure, I know it's Iron MAN, but I'm quite happy to see a woman step into the role. The fact is, heroes can be anyone and I'm certainly pleased to see Sandra Bullock put into the role, as I'm a big fan of hers both on and off the screen. Gender-switching roles for superheroes has long been a staple of fandom, as you can see by the picture below.

The Justice League... gender-swapped!

January 11 - Space Station Tour

Ever since I was a little kid, being an astronaut has stayed in my head as one of the coolest things one can do with one's life. Of course, I was a little disappointed to learn early that ships like the Enterprise existed only in fiction, which I think sparked my imagination that's guided me towards writing. 

Sparking the imagination of today's kids is something the video below will do in spades too: it's a guided tour of the International Space Station! Almost 30 minutes long, it satisfies a hunger I've had to actually SEE inside the wonder that's serenely orbiting our planet! Commander Sunita Williams takes you on a high-def journey through our planet's orbiting foothold in space, which is a lot noisier than you'd think… but that's MORE than compensated for by the view out the windows:

Astronaut Karen Nyberg, STS-124 mission specialist, looks at Earth!

January 12 - Paper Spaceships

One of my earliest memories of spaceships has to do with… paper.

A student in one of my mom's classes had the incredible skill of creating things with paper. Generously, he created several paper spaceships and gave them to my mom to give to me, as he'd heard that I liked Star Wars. I remember that they were fairly large, well-put-together and colourful! He'd taped the edges to give the whole ship strength and spent what was probably a ton of time colouring in parts of the ship, adding detail like windows and ship numbers. They were incredible and to this day I've always had a fascination with papercraft: it's like model building, but much easier, if somewhat less permanent.

It may be made of paper, but it can still take out the Death Star!

On a whim, I decided to have a look online and see what paper spaceships were out there. Wouldn't you know I found a TON of incredible projects? One of them really stood out: models from a game I'd played way back in the 1990's, from Wing Commander III:

Click to see all the precision detail that's crafted from PAPER!

If they'd taught THIS sort of arts and crafts in school, I'd have a FLEET of ships by now I think!

January 13 - Waiting …

The job search has me frustrated right now.

I'm throwing applications into what seems like a giant black hole; again, just what the folks at WorkBC said it would feel like. Still, knowing it and LIVING it aren't the same. 

It's really hard, sapping the enjoyment I try to find in my 'free time' while I'm 'funemployed' … every day. In effect, I have 'Life Block' which is similar to Writer's Block: I can't find the joy in anything I'm doing lately( I did mention that a few months ago in another blog entry ).

To cheer myself up, I'll need to find new ways of viewing every day. On the cheap, mainly.

Getting out for walks, NOT thinking about money, writing a bit every day, blocking OUT the Job Search Black Hole… all that and more, so I can get into 2013 like a new pair of shoes to break it in and not clump around in mud-caked brickboots weighing me down. I'll sing a little tune to keep my spirits smiling…

A song - one of many from

THIS is the week an employer will call me. All it will take is one call to make me happy, as it means someone's noticed me and thinks I'm a good candidate.

One call. It's not much to ask.

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