word of the week is perseverance.
10 - Learning and Laughter
The new job’s going well.
Enough so, that I fear to
bore you with the mundane details. Most days are very similar to each other,
with only a few odd things here and there that happen to differentiate one from
the next.
I did experience my first minor office politics today, mainly due to an extremely rare occurrence of an
abusive caller haranguing the staff. As it turned out, I
was the one who inadvertently gave them an unnecessary break, because I didn't have
enough information and wanted to defuse the situation. My decision caused some
friction between myself and another staff member, which was handled maturely by
all involved and most of the ruffled feathers were smoothed out by the end of
the day. It just goes to show that decisions made without the full information
on a situation sometimes are the best ones and we have to learn from that.
My evening of the writing
group more than made up for the day’s oddities, with some lively discussion
amongst the members, of which there were several new faces, which I
was glad to see. I ended up spending more hours afterwards with a friend over
at the Integrity Café, talking about my first novel. My friend( who normally reads fantasy, not sci-fi )
was enthusiastic in delivering commentary about my book, of which they read
almost ¾ as of tonight. It was well after midnight by the time I finally headed
home, quite tired but elated over the by-far positive feedback I’d received, especially
coming from someone who I know to be a talented writer in their own right.
hear my creations spoken of just as I’d hoped they’d be, hearing the nuances
and directions mentioned that I hoped that readers would pick up on and run
with, was immensely satisfying and enervating to me.
Now I have to carry over that magic to Books Two
and Three!
11 - Remembrance
Silent crowds gather,
As cannons boom and thunder
Saluting the brave.
As cannons boom and thunder
Saluting the brave.
I was home today and went out to the Remembrance
Day ceremonies downtown. As I walked towards the Inner Harbor area, a loud
booming sound that could only be cannons grew louder as it echoed from the
A huge crowd had gathered by the legislature,
sizable enough to spill over onto the closed roadways in front of the Empress
Hotel and line the walkways of the harbor area. Off to the right, near the old
ship docks, a trio of cannons blasted their salute into the crisp morning air:
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Big booming sound, lots of detail |
It was pleasing to see so many people taking the
time out of their day to pay their respects to those who have given their
ultimate towards maintaining the freedom of our way of life. It was especially
gratifying in light of the events in Ottawa in the past week, as a show of
solidarity among all Canadians against those who would use violence to try to
divide us.
12 – Restful
Today was my second day off this week.
Until just this Monday past, I was unaware that I would
be getting two days off in a row, thanks to my choice of an E.D.O.( Extra Day Off ) which is a policy
available only to full-time government employees. In essence, I work a little
extra each of my workdays, clocking in a little over eight hours a day and every
two weeks, I can get a weekday off to do as I please. I'm not actually getting
paid for it, as I'm putting in the time for each of the other nine workdays,
but it amounts to the same thing.
Unknown to me, having chosen Tuesdays as my E.D.O.
and that this Tuesday was a holiday, I would automatically have the next day
off as my E.D.O. – bonus!
I did put the time yesterday and today to good
use, getting a lot of things done around the apartment that had been lingering
for some time in addition to some writing. As the weather was clear but cold, I
spent some time outside, huddled up next to a heating element really; I
was there for the sunshine, not the temperature gradient.
As well, I had a bit of a surreal moment in the
afternoon as I sat on the patio at Moka House. I was having difficulties
connecting to Shaw’s local Wifi spot, enough so that for the first time I
called their helpline to check if the hotspot itself was perhaps
malfunctioning. Not a minute after I’d dialed, entered my info and was waiting
on hold, I saw this truck pull up:
It was definitely one of those ‘surreal moments’ I
experienced, where you wonder if you’re an observer in some other life, looking
in on your own. The moment lasted until I saw the tech emerge from the truck,
clutching not a toolbox, but a coffee mug and proceed to walk into Moka House
for a refill.
Amusingly, my connection started working perfectly
the instant he set foot on the patio...
13 – SWEET Disaster!
Sugar sent me to the hospital today - in the evening,
Late in the afternoon on my final break, I
polished off a good-sized ‘red velvet’ cookie that I was given by coworker and
then dug into a big juicy apple to carry me through to dinner. At lunch, I’d
had half a chocolate quinoa cupcake and I was really enjoying my day because of
those minor treats in addition to the apple.
Heading over to my parents place for the evening,
I started feeling odd – not in a good way. My hands and feet were tingling, I
felt nauseous as well as dizzy – somewhat the same as when I had food poisoning
in NYC a few weeks ago, but different enough to be worrying as I’d never
experienced these exact symptoms before. Fairly quickly I suspected that I’d
had too much sugar and drank a steady amount of water for the next short while
to dilute the buildup, but it didn’t help: I'd already spiked and crashed - extremely hard, as it turned out.
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Me, tonight... scary!!! |
Eventually, after managing to eat a small dinner,
I still felt increasingly nauseous and weak, enough so that on the way home I asked to be taken
to the hospital. I felt like I could faint or be sick at any time and moreso
with every passing minute, like nothing I've ever felt before.
Once at the hospital( my second visit in two weeks, yay for frequent flyer miles! )the
staff checked me out, including getting blood work. I sat quietly, sipping
water and nibbling at a very basic salad for a few hours, grateful that my dad
was there to keep my company.
Gradually, I started to feel better, if not
normal and by the time the doctor was able to see me around 10pm, I agreed with
her assessment of a sugar overdose. She sent me home with the admonition to
rest, eat lightly and to return if the symptoms returned – plus to not have ANY
sugar for 48 hours. Thankfully, the doctor said my bloodwork was totally normal
so there was nothing else there to point at, aside from the sweets. Though I’m
not diabetic, this was the same as hyperglycemic shock, which I experienced
all the symptoms of: nausea, fatigue and dizziness, as well as hunger, though to a much lesser degree.
The really, really strange part of the whole
ordeal was that I didn’t believe I was ‘overloading’ myself with sugar today.
Half a cupcake, a cookie and an apple in the space of three hours doesn’t in
any way compare to the levels of sugar I’ve ingested in the past in the same timeframe…
but it IS a lot more than I’ve had in the last 6 months, comparatively.
What it also is, is scary.
Sugar and I are mortal
enemies now, it seems… meaning that I’m going to have to watch my intake MUCH
more carefully from now on.A good reason to re-examine my eating habits and nail down some good ones while tossing out the bad.
14 – Recovery
Staying home from work today seemed like a very good idea.
With sound reasoning: I was still feeling quite nauseous and weak from last evening’s debacle. I didn’t sleep well last night and that
meant that most of today was a wash. I ate little portions of food often
during the day, keeping myself hydrated and tossing in a few naps, not straying
far from the couch. As the doctor wasn’t sure if I might have also started
coming down with the flu yesterday( similar
symptoms )I just played it safe and put my feet up all day.
Which gave me the chance to watch some westerns!
Specifically, I’ve not have the opportunity to
watch a Blu-ray I picked up last year: Sergio Leone’s The Man With No Name trilogy! First off was For A Fistful of Dollars, which I enjoyed immensely in hi-def,
followed by For A Few Dollars More
and then most of The Good, The Bad and
The Ugly, which I’ve seen a few times over the years – but never in such glorious
detail! It made the day speed by, when sleep didn’t suddenly grab me for
catnaps here and there.
By evening, I was feeling mostly back to normal
but still nauseous, so something’s still not right. While I’m not a hypochondriac,
I think my subconscious is rather rattled by the whole thing: to be so adversely affected
by such a relatively small amount of sugar really makes me boggle a bit. Add to
that the thought of giving up cookies altogether and I can almost hear my inner
child wailing.
Good thing I was able to take the day off to try
to cheer him up. By my count, I worked two days this week and had three off
with pay; not bad recompense for spending an evening in the hospital… though I’d
rather not have had the last bit, when it comes down to it.
On the bright side, I now have the experience to add to my writer's toolbox - yay.
15 - Still Resting
As I spent much of the day at home, there’s not
much to say about what I did today.
So, I’ll talk about a sci-fi freebie I was given instead!
About a year ago, I received an email from the
good folks over at, asking about a video I’d posted on my YouTube
channel. It was one from my trip to Phoenix Comicon in 2013, where I’d recorded
the marvelous Claudia Christian during a solo panel chat she gave:
Said folks at “We’d like permission to
use your video for one of our upcoming projects. Believe it or not, it’s one of
the only ones out there that’s of decent quality and of the entire length of
the panel. We’ll give you a copy of the final project gratis as a thank-you.”
I was stunned that they’d contacted me and that I
could contribute, in some small way, to a B5 project. I gave my permission,
made a note to myself to check in with them later, and that was that. Or so I
Today I received an email from,
telling me the project my video was a part of was being released after 6 months
of hard work and BOY, it’s a big one! Have a look:
![]() |
My video’s in there, alrighty! Plus my copy of the
entire effort is on its way to me, free of charge, a $100 USD value( plus tax
and shipping ). Free!
Definitely worth the time I took to record a few
videos in Phoenix! I’ll be even better-prepared for my next convention, as my
new OnePlus phone can take 4K videos and has the storage capacity to last all
16 – Final Day Of Rest
Things are somewhat back to normal for me as of
By this morning, I was feeling more like my old
self, albeit still somewhat tired. It was definitely the right decision not to
work yesterday at Staples, as my energy levels are still less than I am used to
and for some reason I’m not hungry at the same times of day I used to be.
A phone call this morning had me going in
unexpectedly to Staples from noon to 4pm today to help out, which I was glad to
do after having to cancel my shift yesterday. I took the bus in, as there was
no way I’d have had the energy to bike today, especially in the near-zero
temperatures. It turned out to be an easy shift, not all that busy and made
manifestly magnificent by the fact that the yearly inventory was taking place
at the same time – I was able to say hello to practically everyone I hadn’t
seen in months, which was really wonderful and made my day.
Back at home, I took it easy again, writing the
blog in parts here and there over the course of the evening. I still don’t feel
all that energetic, but I’m a far cry from the wobbly wunderkind of a few days
ago, unsure of how I’d be feeling in the next ten minutes at the tick of the
been a weird week, one in which I’ve had almost five full days of rest yet I
still feel tired after all’s been said and done. I wish I’d had the energy to
do more writing than I managed before my sugar crash, but my brain’s not been
capable of much along the creative lines in the latter part of the week. Now, I’m
back to work for a full five days coming up, with nothing planned for the
evenings save making a valiant effort to get back into writing Book Two… and to
watch what I’m eating so very, very carefully!
1 comment:
I love the concept of an E.D.O. So simple, yet so effective. I guess I've always had something similar, being salaried, but I doubt I get as much time off as I put in.
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