The word of the week is neoteric.
Jan 5 – End Credits G33kery
Yesterday's Simpsons
episode had a wonderful ending to it!
While the episode itself
was well executed in its own right, what really tickled my gears happened after the episode, during the end
credits! Have a look:
Simply wonderful and
totally g33ky, they were the perfect start to my week. I spent the evening
prepping for writing my second book, getting scenes in order and generally
putting a little more organizational polish onto my plans.
Bring on the words!
Jan 6 – Museum and Writing Book 2!
My day off today, it was
quite a full one: I went to a museum AND started writing again on Book 2!!!
Although I wasn't
initially feeling well due to a bit of a sugar rush, thanks to a bit of
breakfast that I didn't pay close attention to, I was fine( more or less )an hour later… just in
time to visit the museum.
Despite having lived here
in Victoria for seven years, I've never actually taken the time to traipse
through the Royal BC Museum. It's always been there, next to the IMAX theater
that I've been to half a dozen times but somehow I've never really set aside a
day to visit. Until now; a friend and I went for a lunchtime trip that turned
into three hours of playing tourist.
What an amazing place!
The first thing I noticed
was that the museum is a much, much
larger place than I had guessed. Spread over two floors, the exhibits are
housed in extremely large spaces, which make excellent use of the available square
footage. The first exhibition we saw was “Wildlife Photographer Of The Year” which
showcased the top 50 images selected from over 42,000 entries. There were some stunning
pictures there:
After that, we toured
through the Natural History and First People’s galleries, each of which was
vast and filled with fascinating, detailed exhibits. I was stunned by the
quality of the displays as much as their quantity; my last museum visit was
decades ago to the ROM in Ontario and I don't recall those displays as being
nearly as well thought out as what the Royal BC Museum has.
The real gem of the museum
is their Old Town section of the Modern History Gallery: it's a faithful
re-creation of a turn-of-the-century town, one that you can actually walk
through parts of! You can stroll down the street and window shop, taking in the
displays and feeling as though you've just stepped back a century in time. We've all heard that phrase, but today I really experienced it first-hand, like a perfect period film set:
![]() |
This is only PART of Old Town... |
I was flabbergasted and
had a smile on my face the whole time I was in Old Town.
Once we were done, I got
on with the rest of my day off( plenty to
do! ) But in the back of my mind I was already planning to return to the
museum again soon.
Feeling energized by my
trip, I was in a good mental place when evening rolled around and it was time
to start writing. I had a scene in mind and the writing started out smoothly,
to my surprise, the words flowing rather well, just as I remembered doing last
year. Before I knew it, over an hour had passed and a new scene was completed,
one that I'm quite pleased with overall.
A few more months of having
writing sessions like tonight and I should be finished Book 2's first draft.
Jan 7 – Sleep Shifting
Routine is good, except when
it’s bad.
That doesn’t sound like it
makes sense, but it does for me at this point in my life, especially as I’ve
come from a previous job that was all over the place in terms of work hours.
Essentially, what I’m
saying is this: I’m happy to be working 9 to 5 now.
I get tired earlier in the
evening now, starting around 9pm… which is a far cry from when I sat around at
midnight hoping I’d be able to sleep before 1am and having to be up at 6am the
next day. With the job at MMart, my shifts varied so much that I was in a
constant state of flux, living on sugar, caffeine and stress hormones so much
that my body clock never, ever got settled.
That’s a bad way to live,
and I did it for far too long.
I’m much better off now,
getting used to rhythms that make sense, at least to me. Admittedly, figuring
out this no-sugar dietary lifestyle does make me second-guess myself sometimes,
but for the most part, I’m close to snoozing around midnight and up around 7am
each and every day. It seems to work, I don’t feel exhausted as much as simply
tired from working hard and I can get through a busy week without needing half
a day off at the end to simply crash / recover myself.
Routine also bodes well
for my novels: I’m all set for getting in 2-4 hours of writing a night before
I run out of steam, which is perfect.
All part of the plan for 2015.
Jan 8 – Reading Is Good For You
It seems I should still buy a few 'real' books, now and then.
Apparently, people don't retain nearly as much when reading electronic publications, such as my Kindle. While convenient, a recent study has shown that people who read actual paper books are much more likely to see benefits in memory retention:
The study doesn't say much about the smell of books, which I also think is important. Memory is often tied to smell and even though my own olfactory senses aren't the greatest, the smell of books is one that I covet and occasionally crave, for the memories it evokes.
Time for a trip to the bookshop soon, I think...
Apparently, people don't retain nearly as much when reading electronic publications, such as my Kindle. While convenient, a recent study has shown that people who read actual paper books are much more likely to see benefits in memory retention:
The tactile experience of a book aids this process, from the thickness of the pages in your hands as you progress through the story to the placement of a word on the page. Mangen hypothesizes that the difference for Kindle readers "might have something to do with the fact that the fixity of a text on paper, and this very gradual unfolding of paper as you progress through a story is some kind of sensory offload, supporting the visual sense of progress when you're reading."
Time for a trip to the bookshop soon, I think...
Jan 9 – Personal
The first week of my new
year has still been pretty busy.
Even so, it's not been as
crazy as December, for which I'm grateful. Although I haven’t been sleeping
wonderfully this week, thanks in part to my cat’s penchant for early wake-up
yowls, it’s been fairly decent. Monday and Tuesday were crazy at work however,
being the first of the month AND of the year, so it was a relief to see things
wind down back to normal by today.
I also had several personal
disappointments this week, but as neither of them affect either my work or my
writing, in the slightest, then on the scale of things they don't really
matter. As I've reiterated numerous times already the last few months, my focus
is on getting my books done and having my day job means that’s possible now.
Should anything socially happen in the meantime, I'd actually have to try and
find time, so going out now and then is really going to be a weighty choice.
Other than that, it's full
steam ahead to a very full rest of the winter season and onto a very busy
Jan 10 – Campaign On Hiatus
Finally, a solid day off
that I put to good use.
Rather boring use, but
vitally necessary all the same; I don’t like to play catch-up with my weeks,
but days like today are going to be the norm for 2015, I think.
Tonight was a bit of a
wrap-up, too.
My gaming group got
together for the last time for the next 6 months, as our game master is due to
deliver her child in the next few weeks. Obviously, she and her husband are going
to be rather busy after that, so our group will have to shift gears somewhat in
the next short while. More than likely we’ll be running a mixup of boardgames
and RPG games in short doses, as none of us really want to just stop getting
together cold turkey - which is gratifying.
I really enjoyed the game
group that I have played among for the last year. It's been extremely relaxing
to be among so many friendly g33ks, especially as they enjoy my sense of humor
as much as I have enjoyed theirs. Movie nights may also be part of the mix coming up; who knows?
All I know is that I have to make some time for when I need to g33k out.
Jan 11 – Resigned
As of today, I’ve quit my
weekend job - YAY ME!
Technically, I gave notice
today: an entire month's worth, when it comes down to it. I typed up a short
letter last night and handed it in first thing this morning at the beginning of
my shift. The manager didn't even bat an eye, so I believe I was quite correct
in surmising that they've been expecting me to leave for quite a long time now
- so have I, truth be told.
Right now, my time is better
spent writing then earning an extra hundred( maybe two )a month at a low-paying
job that gobbles up my weekends. If I was completely crazy I could work seven
days a week between the two jobs, but the return for the retail end of things
would be rather minimal compared to the energy outlay and I need to save that
up for my writing.
Needless to say, I really
enjoyed the rest of my day. It's a good feeling to know that every minute that
I work there gets me that much closer to leaving a job that's no longer
relevant to my life. I am quite grateful to have worked with so many good
people there, for the most part, and I'm pleased that I’ve formed friendships
with a good number of them outside of work. I'm also quite happy that I no
longer have to care even a moment about any idiotic paperwork mountains that
I've been dodging since the summer; all that silliness will be done with in a
month’s time.
It’s a good, good feeling,
to know that I’m moving onwards.
Back to the regular this week: work the day job, write in the
evenings and prepare for the time when my weekends will be completely my own
again. It’ll be nice to stop playing catch-up and simply live life by my schedule, at last… it’s taken
me long enough to get here, after all!
PPS - my blog passed 30,000 hits this week! *applause*
PPS - my blog passed 30,000 hits this week! *applause*
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