The word of the week
is precipitous.
Feb 16 – Right Retirement?
It seems that my new job is even better for me
than I thought.
According to a recent article at Workopolis,
workers in the public sector are far better equipped to retire well then those
working in the private sector, such as retail. While I was vaguely aware of the
disparity between the two sectors, the article really brought it into focus for
That's a good thing, because retirement hasn't exactly
been on my mind since high school. Many other things have been a priority, such
that a friend of mine had to drag me into my own bank back in Ontario years ago
just to finally sit down with someone about starting an RRSP.
It's good to have friends like that in your life.
I'm planning to retire in about 25 years, somewhere
in my 60s and still have a decent lifestyle. I'm not what anyone would call
high maintenance, not a world traveler or a collector of Expensive Things. I don't
have exotic hobbies like restoring old sports cars nor do I spend much time at
all on Keeping Up With The Joneses.
All the same, retirement is firmly on my radar and
I'm relieved to be finding out that I've made an excellent career choice for
making my golden years comfortable ones. 25 years is a long way to go and while
I am concerned with just myself at this point, you never know what the future
will hold.
I'm hoping for a nice tropical island somewhere.
Barring that, I'll take anywhere quiet.
Feb 17 – Reading Myself
It was another fabulous day off.
Not weather-wise, but just in overall
getting-stuff-done-ness. It's been pretty gray here, but today should see the
last of that as some sunshine moves into the area later this week. For all the
gray skies, the air pressures been pretty steady and my head hasn't been
affected much, which has been nice for a change.
![]() |
I'm all abuzz about my second book! |
This week I reformatted everything I've written to
date for the first draft of Book Two so it could fit on as few pages as
possible, allowing me to print off a copy for myself. I'm doing this to
re-familiarize my brain with what I've written to date, making it easier for me
to derive plot points for future chapters. I've also incorporated a few changes
suggested so far by my critique group, shifting a few scenes around to better
showcase story flow. It reads better, I do believe.
That's essentially what I was doing today, after
spending the morning running my usual day-off errands. It was great to just
kick back and dive deep into a world of my own creation, to pull up the
metaphorical covers and block out everything else is a wonderful feeling.
Feb 18 – Tech Terror?
What do you mean, my TV is listening to me?
It’s one thing to buy some new tech with the
expectation of being able to do things that you’ve never done before, but it’s
another thing altogether to learn it’s doing new things on it’s own.
Such was the case for owners of Samsung Smart TV’s,
when they learned this week that their TV’s have been listening to them.
Televisions sold after 2012 included Voice Command features, which admittedly
the set’s owners had to first turn on in order to use.
From there, things get a little worrying.
It seems that while the TV’s were happily
executing their owner’s verbal commands to change channels, lower volumes and
the like, they were also storing and transmitting what they were hearing to Samsung. Among other people.
That's not cool.
To add insult to injury, the data was ‘being sent
in the clear’ meaning it was unencrypted text being squirted over the Internet
for anyone to intercept. That's extremely not cool and after the story broke
recently, Samsung was quick to jump all over how the security has been upgraded
since the system was initially released. All the same: still not cool.
Thankfully, my television is not recent enough to
have this feature and when I do plan to upgrade, I won't be activating it.
There's enough personal information floating around as this and I have no
desire to add any more things about me to the Internet's vast black hole of info.
I don't watch my television using the channels but instead I utilize the PVR
that came with my Shaw account; the TV stays on one Input and that’s that. Changing
the volume or muting it with my voice might be nice, but I can do that just as
easily with a remote at hand: nice and simple.
Hopefully my TV didn't just hear me say that.
Feb 19 –Signs of Spring?
Dang, but it's nice outside this week!
Living in Victoria, it's hard not to constantly
take pictures this time of year that showcase green lawns, budding trees and
flowers growing in gardens all over the city. Images like the one below are
common, though this year the blooming has started close to a month earlier than
![]() |
I took these this weekend. I love this city! |
Cool weather is the norm here in the city during
the winter, with single-digit temperatures and cold winds blowing in from the
Olympic mountains to the south. Rainy days alternating with the occasional sunny
sky are a much better clime than Vancouver, which tends to suffer under an
imbalance of more rain versus sunshine all year long.
Growing up in Niagara, I remember that when the
snow occasionally melted, one was left with brown expanses of lawn everywhere
beneath the bare-limbed trees. Here in BC, the widespread proliferation of
evergreen trees coupled with the green lawns means that it rarely feels like
winter save for the temperatures, which produce the occasional sheen of ice
here and there.
I find it quite good for the soul, in that it
feels like an early spring or late fall instead of a time of year when
Canadians should be slogging through slush and snow going about their daily
business. I especially appreciate that my parents, being older and more limited
in our ability, are able to move around freely all year long without worrying
too much about slipping in icy conditions.
Add a patio heater and the more hardy folk around
here are out late into the evenings, enjoying the crisp fresh air with friends.
My own sensitivity for feeling the cold in my limbs keeps me from doing the
same, though only during the actual calendar-winter months here.
You can bet when spring arrives this year, likely
early, I'll be outside far more often.
Feb 20 – Paring Down
There’s not much going on in my life right now,
apart from the 2 W’s: writing and work.
To be honest, that’s not a bad thing.
As I’ve mentioned numerous times before here in
this bloggy space, I need to focus. Not having a full social calendar, active
hobbies or a romantic relationship means that I can pick and choose how I spend
my hours outside of work and sleep each day.
There’s something to be said for that kind of
freedom – for both good and bad.
Bad in that it’s easy to fall into bad habits,
instead of forming good ones. Ever since I arrived in BC back in 2007, I've
been conscious of not wanting to fall into a rut doing whatever it is that I'm
doing from year to year. While my interest are many, they're mostly
intellectual and not physical, in that I don't need to make time to paddle a
canoe in the harbor or even fly a kite.
Well, maybe I should make time to go fly a kite; I
used to enjoy that as a kid. But I digress.
Right now
I'm in a unique position in life, in that my income is secured, I'm repaying my
debts and my time is almost entirely my own. Perhaps this will sum it up best:
That's an image that's come up again and again in
the last few years, probably for reason. When I first heard the line uttered in
The Lord Of The Rings films, it resonated with me and I suppose it's been
bouncing around the back of my head somewhere ever since. Because of that, I
think now more than ever I've decided what I'm doing with my time:
I’m writing my way into a better future for
Feb 21 – Sunshine! Flowers!
What a wonderful day!
Even though I don't sleep in( I haven’t in many
years )with me waking up at around the same time every morning regardless of
whether I have to work or not, today felt great because of one thing: nothing
was planned. I didn't have to work and I can do whatever I wanted to.
Except be lazy; that’s not in my nature. Why waste
a day when I’m not feeling tired or ill?
Apart from the usual chores, I was free to do what
I pleased today after waking up from a late-night return home from a busy day
yesterday. I went out for breakfast, sat on a patio with my face to the blazing
sun while sipping the morning tea and did some wandering around downtown which
brought me into a used bookstore and out again with a half-dozen novels I've
not read. The sky was blue, there was no chill wind to speak of and the
sidewalks were packed with smiling people out enjoying their day as well.
It was glorious.
The afternoon saw me sitting for quite a few hours
on the patio in my usual spot at Moka House, headphones on to tune out the
chatterboxes around me while I alternated between reading… er, researching and
writing notes for my second book.
Incredibly, an idea coalesced on my way home for
dinner, one that I've been waiting for for some months now to make its
appearance. It was the final piece I needed to balance all of the various
groups of characters in the second book, to make each of their struggles
meaningful and relevant to the overall story. I was so happy I did a little jig
on the sidewalk before I trotted home to jot down the idea. It just goes to
show that I need to spend more contiguous time inside my world-creating
headspace in order for good things to pop out as needed.
To my Muse, I say: more of the same to come,
Feb 22 – The Long View
It was an especially nice day today, most of which
I spent reading the remainder of my second books first draft. Having let things
sit for a few months has helped me to see the writing more clearly, as I
suspected it would. I'll be rereading it again this week as I make more notes
and delve more fully into plotting the next dozen chapters to be written shortly.
On an aside, I sat down and did a preliminary run
through of my taxes today. To my utter surprise, it looks like I'll be getting
a healthy return back this year, to the tune of almost 5 times last year's
return amount! Now, considering how small last year's return was, relatively
speaking, that's not to say I'll be buying a new television or anything, but it
definitely brought a smile to my face today. One never knows, year-to-year, how
tax return may go if you're not at the same job for that entire year earning
the same wage at the same tax rate. Of course that means that too much tax was
taken from me overall in 2014, but that knowledge will let me tweak things for
2015 so that they even out better. I'm definitely happy with today's math!
It's funny how I
come up with things to write about, week to week. I'll have this or that pop
into my head, sometimes writing ideas down and other times mulling things over
before I decide if they're worth exploring further. It's interesting that each
day contributes its own significance to my thoughts and sometimes those ideas
that seem vital to explore one day are less than trivial the next.
All the same, I
bear in mind that I've done what I think is a decent job these last seven years
putting out my thoughts into the world without being repetitive for boring. I
judge those last two factors by both the regular number of visitors I get and
the regular lack of comments that the blog has week to week. One or two
comments month is about average and for the most part I'm quite happy that the
lurkers out there( that’s you, folks! )are enjoying what I'm writing here.
There's a hint of energy in the air here, with the sunshine and signs of an early Spring. It's invigorating to feel that, to see the sparkle in people's eyes as they walk around with their jackets open or in some cases absent entirely. Soon enough I'll be sleeping with the windows open again!
Not a great week for technology at all - Lenovo's taken quite a hit too for malware they deliberately installed in their laptops . . . and then denied for 2 months. :)
causation does not imply correlation
Bob: I hadn't heard about the Lenovo debacle, that's disappointing.
Anon: Are you implying that there's no implication to the tech coincidence of Samsung and Lenovo this week?
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