The word of the week
is resolute.
9 – Trudgery
probably going to get a little boring here over the next six months or so.
be helped, sorry.
going to be consolidating, in many senses of the word, going home from my day
job to write and back again, to repeat as needed until I have my trilogy
not going to leave a lot of time for other things, as I see it.
back at my first novel, I made the most progress when I was working on it every
single day without fail. At the time, that was made possible by my being
unemployed, where my focus was split only two ways: writing and job-searching.
I was productive enough to complete a workable first draft in less than six
months and I've learned a lot since then. The next two drafts were also
completed with months of continuous work, focusing on the writing and little
realize that distractions, however much I think they are necessary, are not
helping me towards my ultimate goal of completing my trilogy. I have to simply
toss out the extraneous, with the occasional social foray to keep my mental
balance and buckle down on what matters to me now.
the end of 2015, I want to look back and see that the vast majority of my time
now earning money at my day job this year was spent writing. Not mooning over
hopeful relationships, financial problems I can’t solve with more worrying or
all the other little distractions of projects that I’d like to get started /
finished /researched etc. I just need my focus to be the writing.
that, I’ll consider the time well-spent, no matter what else happens.
you need to simplify, especially on the topic of money.
have been on my mind of late, for as some of you know, I’ve been carrying some
burdens for a while. 2015 has seen me take much better control of them, but
they’re still there. It amazes me that some people have no idea how money
works, even in general terms; I don’t claim to be a whiz at financial management,
but I do have a decent overall grasp of the system.
if it doesn’t work for me at present.
those of you who wonder how banks, credit unions and other Money-Things
Mysterious work, fret no more: the folks who helped make the newer Hitchiker’s
Guide graphics to the rescue! Treat your peepers to this lovely anigraphic and
you’ll never again wonder where money goes to work:
March 11 – Homeworld is mine!
colour me astonished!
week, I received an email in the early morning hours, advising me that the Homeworld Remastered Collector’s Edition was suddenly, finally available for
purchase in Canada. I popped onto the website immediately, saw that there was
still stock and ordered one… and it was confirmed!
as the HW Collector’s Edition had
sold out in the USA months ago, I was a bit agog, but grateful: somehow, the Canadian
release had been delayed and I’d managed to score one! Copies have been going
on eBay for silly amounts for months based on demand, and by paying attention
this morning I’d managed to be one of the first in line for the few Canadian
copies. Have a look at what the price / availability had gone up to by the time
I arrived back home from work 9 hours later a week ago:
![]() |
I love the game, but not for THAT price - come ON ?!?!? |
almost never buy Collector’s Editions of games, PC or otherwise, but Homeworld-RM is an exception –
especially as this edition comes with the above-pictured foot-high model of the
mothership, which lights up! I have many fond memories of Homeworld, for many reasons, not the least of which is that it’s an
almost perfect game with Chris-Foss inspired spaceships. I’m going to savour
the art book that came with the Collector’s Edition; I just love the art of
this game! Lots of inspiration for my creative side to turn into ideas for my
books. Thanks to the modding community, anything is possible – have a look at
this Homeworld conversion to make a
Star Trek massive space battle possible:
bad I couldn’t write it off as a business expense. Here’s hoping I’ll be able
to soon! In the meantime, I’ll only be able to play it on my laptop at low
resolutions, as my main PC’s all wonky with games right now… which is a good thing, as I need to write. I think
I mentioned that earlier.
March 12 – Say What?
I’ll admit it: I was stuck for something to say here. It happens, albeit rarely for me.
could have told you about some neat articles I discovered about writing this
week, but that's a little niche for people who read my blog( thanks for
dropping by, by the way! )so I pondered for a bit.
I thought: how about something simple that’s cool and g33ky, with a hint of
the drone speeder bike! Have a gander at the wonder a g33k hobbyist who loves
Star Wars can create:
I have to say now is: where can I buy one and can I add a speed booster
March 13 – Unlucky
bike was stolen today.
made me realize that yes, theft can happen to anyone, even to someone as
careful as I am.
bike was securely locked up 1 foot away from the main entrance door, a well-lit
area with lots of people around all the time. My guess is that a pair of pros
used a HUGE set of bolt cutters to get in and out in 60 seconds, sometime in
the dead of night – there’s no filing or shatter residue( ie. hacksaw or liquid
nitrogen used on the lock ). Have a look at how easily giant cutters eat locks:
and there’s little chance I’ll ever get it back. Most stolen bikes end up as
the one hand, I’m extremely pissed
off; the quality lock I always used might as well have been a pretty
fabric ribbon. I had the bike for 7 years and in the last year, I spent probably
another $200 on top of the $400 adding new tires and a tune-up to get it in
shape for the next 7 years. Money
wasted. Sure as skinny they can’t sell it whole, due to the overall ‘disrepair’
and surface rust I encouraged to discourage
theft, which obviously didn’t matter to these scumbags.
the other hand, I am able to walk to work now, so I’m only in for a long hike of an
hour round-trip for groceries… or anywhere else I don’t want to take the bus.
And I dislike transit, for reasons
I’ll not get into here. What’s really been violated here is my freedom. I can’t just ride any
more when I want to go somewhere: now I’m dependent on transit, or my feet,
both time-wasters. There are many other victims out there who know how I feel right now, some of my friends among them.
theft has taught me that yes, I have to be EVEN MORE prepared, and cautious
than I have to date. That’s so immensely frustrating, as I stress so much about
forgetting that one little detail that ends up tripping me up that ALL the
details start to get muddled and I’m still screwed. Perfection, as they say, is
unattainable and for 2015, so is another bike: I don’t have any place secure to
store a replacement. I can’t afford a decent $200-$400 model, nor will I eat my
pride thanks to faceless thieves by trying to make do with a $50 junker and end
up even more angry than I am right now.
the thing: a theft like this leaves you unable to do anything with your anger,
save redirecting it into purposeful energy and not letting it eat at you as
disappointment in how I ‘failed’ … I didn’t fail, I was robbed. The only
failures in this situation are the criminals who took my property.
I’ll be updating my insurance info, writing down wayward serial numbers on
newer items and general preparing for the next disruption, whenever that
March 14 – It's Pi Day, but I don't care...
having wheels of my own any more, I spent the morning going around, dropping
off ‘Stolen Bike’ leaflets to every bike store and pawn shop in Victoria( thanks Dad! ). It was a lovely sunny day
today and I felt much better, as most of my anger has fled to be replaced by
resignation… and a determination not to let some faceless scumbags ruin my
I’m still here, sans wheels, and I have a lot to do this year. I’ll just have to be
even smarter about using my time, now that some of it’s going to be wasted in
walking or busing. So I told myself...
funny, in a way, when I think about hearing other people mention their bikes
were stolen over the years. We put a lot of value on houses, on the material
things they contain( and the same with cars ): they’re our personal space and
when that’s violated by theft, we’re shocked and hurt.
well… why can’t you just buy another one?
seems to be the feeling most people have towards bike theft and it’s odd, given
that many of the bikes out there cost $1000 or more. If someone stole a TV from
my home or a computer worth that much, the theft wouldn’t likely be downplayed.
My bike meant a lot to me, in that it was my freedom to go where I pleased,
when I pleased, in a manner that saved me time and was healthy.
all that came crashing down on me again
this afternoon and I struggled for hours to turn my feelings of anger and
frustration into something more useful. I wrapped up a few minor tasks around
the house, then went to sit on the patio at Moka House for a few hours in the
sunshine, listening to Enya and sipping tea. I finished some editing feedback
for Monday’s critique group, all the while not thinking about my lost bike and
ignoring all the happy people biking around on Cook St.
that’s going to be hard to take this summer, with all the bikes around
the way home, I stopped at the little video store nearby for a movie; I asked a
clerk for suggestions and he pointed me to a movie I didn’t know existed: About Time, from the makers of Love Actually. An odd choice when I’d
asked for a romantic comedy, but given the funk of angry I was barely holding
in check, I went with it.
a great choice, by chance!
won't spoil them before you, but I will say that by the end I was in a much
better mood than when I had started watching. There was the point anywhere in
the movie where I was knocked out of the experience and that's fairly rare for
it's exactly what I needed today and I'm quite thankful that the movie found
March 15 – Relative-ity
been a few years since I've seen any of my family from out east. Not since
2013, in fact, which considering that I live on the other side of the country
isn't all that long, I suppose.
the same, I grew up with a large and very social group of relatives in Niagara.
It seemed that I was always over at one house or another with my extended
family when I was younger, all the way up until high school started taking over
my social time and the visits faded away to regular holiday traditions a few
times a year… not counting funerals or marriages, of course.
week we were gifted with the visitation by one of my father's two sisters, who
was only too glad to take a few weeks to visit us here in B.C as a break from
the heavy grip winter has back East.
with her today for lunch over at my parents place, it was very easy to slip
back into the old patterns and imagining myself slipping back a few decades to
visits to my grandmother's house. Crowded in with many cousins, aunts and
uncles, we'd catch up on each other's lives and in an era long before e-mail or
to my aunt stories today, I heard some tales that had not come up before about
my grandfather and other relatives. Being the age that I am now, I realize that
these are the sorts of conversations that you can't have until you get a few
years of life experience under your belt so that you can understand the
importance of knowing about your family’s past and so relate it to your own
future. Being a writer, I stayed quiet for most of the afternoon, listening to
my sister and mother chat with my aunt and quietly reveling in the simple joy
of having family visit us out here.
or later, I’ll manage to get back to Niagara, to visit my friends and family. I
realize that the old days of crowds of relatives packed into my grandmother’s
house are gone; everyone’s getting on with their lives( those that haven’t
passed on already )in various cities scattered across the country. There are
fewer of the ‘old guard’ left now and so for today, at least, I smiled as I
heard a familiar voice conjure up pleasant memories from our shared past.
I'm not back to balanced yet concerning being robbed, but I'm better, thanks to my family and to About Time - perspective and moving on instead of brooding are my watchwords this week, as I say goodbye to another old friend and get on with my life as it is.
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