The word of the week is resplendent.
April 20 – Monday Feedback
Another month, another
chapter of Book 2 reviewed!
Perhaps ‘reviewed’ isn’t
quite the correct word: feedback was given and well-received.
As mentioned previously,
I'm juggling quite a few things in this sequel to The Thirteenth Helliion and I
often worry about balancing everything. I have more than half a dozen
groups of characters whose stories I have to interweave in a way that leaves
none of them behind while the plotlines unfold: I cannot allow the reader to
become disinterested in any one of them or the whole fails.
That's a big task.
![]() |
Good advice is worth repeating. So here you go. |
At the same time, I'm
enjoying it immensely, at least when I can actually sit down and block out the
world for an hour to in a contiguous block of time. It hasn't been easy last
few months, but at last the distractions are falling by the wayside and I'm
getting more writing time in now.
Soon enough the only thing
I'll be doing is writing and working and I can't describe how heavenly that
sounds. Toss in some regular sleep here and there and I'll be a happy camper,
no question.
April 21 – Spaceflight?
I really, really want to
travel to the stars.
It's immeasurably
frustrating to know that such a thing might happen in my lifetime but I'll likely
be too old to set foot on another planet, as interstellar travel will probably
still be for the few even then.
But still, knowing that
it might actually be possible is a thrill unto itself!
You may have heard about experiments
that have been conducted in the last few years pointing towards the possibility
of faster than light travel. Even 10 years ago, such a thing would have been
scoffed at by even the most open-minded scientists in related fields, but times
change as advances are made - such is the stuff of science fiction become
science fact.
A recent experiment, so
recent that it has yet to be duplicated and verified - has opened even wider the
door to the possibility of superfast star travel. Called the EmDrive( great name! )the experiment is another
small step on what seems to be a very long ladder towards making interstellar
flight a reality. Rather than depending on wormholes, like in the recent movie Interstellar, humans would create their
own method of traveling to the stars.
For now, it's all just
theory and a couple of promising experiments, no more. It could be decades or
even centuries before we managed to create a safe and stable method of
traveling around our own solar system, yet alone to other stars to set foot on
world no human ever thought we'd see in a million years.
Yet we can still dream.
April 22 – Browser Redux Racing
I used to love racing
games; still do, in some ways.
Back in the early ‘glory’
days of computer games, there was no better way to show off the power of a
particular system then to load up a racing game and crank the speed up to
crazy. Every ounce of graphical power that a console or PC build possessed
would go into rendering approximations of liquid-smooth movement on the screen
which fooled the eye into thinking that you were truly racing: on a track, in
space or in some fantasy world with lots of eye candy going on all around.
One of the earliest games
to do this right was WipeOut on the PlayStation One, which went on to spawn an
entire series of games from Sony across various platforms.
There are many fans of the Wipeout series and although I came late to the party, there were enough other
games to satisfy my urge them to go fast while sitting still. I don't actually
have any racing games on my computer anymore, as I seem to have developed a
form of mild motion sickness over the years and can't enjoy them very long – ah
One fan has spent a
considerable amount of time converting the old game data to files that modern
systems can read and made the tracks for the original Wipeout available to view
on any browser - quite the feat of programming, if you ask me. If you want to
view the tracks, just click here.
April 23 – Malala
can you get a Nobel Peace Prize, you ask?
up for what you believe in and be willing to put your life on the line the back
that up. There's a fine line between fanaticism and belief and it's drawn with
courage combined with compassion for every person you meet.
alive today more exemplifies this than 17-year-old Malala Yousafzai of
Afghanistan, whose life was almost snuffed out by the Taliban and in order to
silence her message of tolerance and equality.
In this exclusive, unedited interview, "I Am Malala" author Malala Yousafzai remembers the Taliban's rise to power in her Pakistani hometown and discusses her efforts to campaign for equal access to education for girls. Malala Yousafzai also offers suggestions for people looking to help out overseas and stresses the importance of education.
don't know that I would have the courage or the maturity to do what she's done
at her age, or any age for that matter. Believing as she does that education is
the key to her country's future, it's humbling in the extreme to see how she
has inspired millions in the face of religious fanaticism.
enough people believe in something good, then evil will fade, though never fast
April 24 – Underground Art
I've always wanted to go
see prehistoric cave art, but there's a catch: almost all of its in caves.
Caves are inconveniently located,
usually far away from major modern population centers and things like airports
or transportation routes. Heck, most cave art is in countries other than
Canada, such as in the middle of Arizona USA and Europe.
Some of the most famous examples
of prehistoric cave paintings are in France, a country I'd love to visit and to
spend some of that time looking at images created by humans tens of thousands
of years ago. But again, most of those paintings are inaccessible, locked away
behind security doors to preserve them against the damage that millions of
visitors caused simply by breathing. It's and unfortunate result of too much
humidity being introduced to the delicate environment of the case by tourists,
which have irreparably damaged some of the most fragile types of these paintings.
Enter modern technology with
a way to simultaneously make the paintings accessible to millions of people who
want to see them firsthand while preserving them for future generations: make
copies. And not just any copies, but full-blown 3-D recreations of the
paintings and the cave that they were in.
This kind of dedication to
art and culture is important to note, as we live in a world that still contains
many who feel that such things are frivolous, to be disposed of it inconvenient
to the ‘truths’ or beliefs that they want to espouse. The preservation of the
past, especially its most fragile parts, is vital for future generations so
that they can make their own interpretations of what was.
We don't live in caves any
more and some people in today's world need to realize that.
April 25 – Microlofts
Well, will you look at
that: more tiny homes snuck under my radar into Victoria!
downtown to, and an area I normally frequent near where I work. Apparently
there's plans to convert the old Dominion Hotel into almost 100 small – and I
mean small – units called ‘microlofts’
along with some traditional one bedroom and even a two-bedroom apartment.
Here's a concept of what the kitchen area of such a small space might look like:
idea looks promising, similar to other projects already underway in the city
like the Janion, which promises to deliver suites under 300 square feet for
$110K, quite affordable for singles such as myself. I would hope that the
soundproofing in any such units would be up to modern standards.
always though, the proof will be in the pudding and where you want to live will
depend on what you're willing to put up with in your neighborhood. Being
downtown, you always trade-off accessibility to local amenities for a lack of
sirens and general traffic noise, including pedestrian traffic wandering home
from bars at two in the morning.
sure there's a happy medium for me somewhere around here; I just have to find
April 26 – Auto Awesome what?
What the heck is Google up
to now?
I have quite a few things
running on Google these days, as most people do. Gmail is my go-to email, Google
Calendar keeps me organized and Google News filters things down to what I want
to see. Not to mention YouTube, the occasional Google Doc and Google Drive for
storing things.
Yesterday I had a message
pop-up asking if I wanted to back up my phone’s images to Google Drive, which
made sense to me as I wasn't really using the 100gb of space there for much,
being a Dropbox devotee. Plus, it never hurts to have another backup of images,
these days
Imagine my shock when I
received a few notifications from Google today asking if I wanted to see some
AutoAwesome images it had pulled from my thousands of uploads. Was Google
somehow becoming psychic after dining on the images I'd give it access to? Kinda creeped me out a little, but I bit my lip and took a look. To my
surprise, I liked what I saw:
Google Photos had located a
series of similar images of New York City skyline I'd taken from the top of the
Empire state building and stitch them together to form the panoramic image you
see above. All by itself, it has assembled various ‘choice’ photos, created a
few animations and even several stories based on( I think ) when a series of
photos were taken.
Creepy, right?
All the same, I'm impressed
by what the technology did by itself and curious as to what else it can do. A
few years ago I dismissed Google+ as unnecessary as are ready have an active
FBook account, but now I may revisit my Google account to see what hidden features
might be useful to me.
Google's watching me
anyway, don't you know…
April 27 – Where’d THAT come from?
It's been another busy
weekend, but that's all right; I've accomplished a fair bit, all told. Seeing
as the weather wasn't so great, I spent most of my time inside and at home
doing what needed doing.
Some of that doing was
writing up the handout for tomorrow night's meet up, where I'll be presenting
on the topic of Horror, which quite honestly I'm not that familiar with. Not
being a big fan of gore or things that make my heart stutter with shock, I've
not read much for apart from the occasional Stephen King novel over the years
and the same goes with films: on first thought, Friday the 13th is just a date to
me, not a slasher flick.
All the same, or is
something that's with us in our everyday lives, cropping up when we least
expect it and definitely when we would least welcome it - not that I'd welcome
it anyway. Along those lines, a home about horror popped into my head fully-formed
this afternoon out of nowhere:
things like this that encourage me as a writer, as it shows that my Muse
happily works on things while I'm engage in other activities that aren't
particularly creative but still necessary. It's almost like I have another mind
inside my own, protected while it works from the distractions of the every day
and being fed by the occasional morsel that trickles through all the noise.
This week coming will be, I hope, one of just writing, as I've no other plans. Hopefully.
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