The word of the week is prosaic.
My writing group’s really going
strong this year.
That, despite not having a nicer
home( no thanks to you, Tektoria )to house us. All the same, tonight was pretty
decent: we had a ‘Sub-Group Social’ which had almost two dozen people show up,
to chat the night away. I spent my time moving from cluster to cluster,
chatting people up about the craft and my varied interests, as they coincided
with those of other writers.
Quite a happy way to while away
an evening, even sans aperitifs or bubbly beverages.
More good news: I have a spot to
store my loaner bike now!
My building manager found me a
storage unit on the main floor, all to myself to put my bike in. I’ve ordered a
new lock( and cable )to use, seeing as my last one left with the old bike. It’s
the best you can get and I managed to find it for an almost-acceptable price:
![]() |
Lesson 1: Lock your lock to something VERY solid, unlike this guy... |
For the last two weeks, I’ve
looked at dozens of reviews online and narrowed my choices to a few U-locks,
after deciding that any chain locks worth buying were too heavy( 10+ lbs )to
carry around. While no lock will protect a bike against every theft attempt(
grinders, bottle jacks, leverage, freezing and other methods are all effective,
if a thief is given enough time undisturbed )I don’t plan on leaving my on-loan
bike anywhere out of sight( or the public eye )during the day, and stored at
night inside. Given those parameters, a super-solid U-lock seemed like the best choice
overall, as long as I follow good bike-locking practices.
Beyond that, I can't do much more, unless I just walk everywhere instead. No thanks.
31 – Nerf Guide?
On a fun note, I discovered a
Nerf Gun Guide today!
I’ll admit I haven’t cared much
about Nerf for decades, despite their coming out with some intriguing designs
over the years. Not having played run-and-gun since my early high-school days (
and that with Lazer Tag! )it seemed pointless, especially as I don’t have the
cash to lay into Airsoft or Paintball – nor the local friends to game with,
come to think of it.
Actually, that may be why Nerf’s
still on my radar: it’s fairly cheap, or at least it used to be… some of the
designs listed are rather pricey, but then I’d probably just go for the
belt-fed ones.
Nothing says fun like a hail of
dozens of Nerf-darts, to my inner child’s mind.
It wasn’t fun though, when I tried to watch Divergent tonight, and failed miserably.
Truth be told, I really did try
to get into the film, but it’s slavish YA formula meant that too much time was
spent talking and too little time exploring the world being presented, which
annoyed me no end. You have a story set in a future after some kind of
world-destroying war, a giant wall of king-sized hair curlers surrounding the
half-ruined future city of Chicago and all we get to hear about is how the
Faction System is Bad? Or how the heroine pines for the rebellious likable guy?
Wasted opportunities all over the
Halfway through the film, I gave
up and watched it on fast-forward, making up my own dialogue as I went along. I
can summarize thusly, without too many spoilers for those who haven’t seen it:
- There’s talking. Endless talking back and forth about topics that could easily be summed up with a lot less lip-waving
- Lots of injections get made into people’s necks, for no good reason
- People run around all over the place, sometimes making other people run too
- Did I mention talking? There’s a lot of wistful eye-staring going on too.
- We get to see lots of beauty shots of the half-ruined future city that nobody’s fixed.
I can’t say I want to revisit
this world, despite the intriguing premises it presents. There’s just not
enough going on to make me care about what happens to its inhabitants, all of
whom I think need to pick up some repair tools and get to work fixing their
world, instead of talking about how to do it.
It’s only taken a few decades,
but progress is being made, starting here in Victoria.
For those of you who haven’t
heard yet, take note: smoking’s become a lot harder to do in public, here on
the Island. About time, too.
Having worked for almost a year
in a scent-free workplace, I can appreciate even more than ever the right of
the individual to have smell-free air to inhale on a regular basis. More than
that, my own sense of smell( never all that great, mind you )has become
sharper, at least in detecting rather malodorous smells on the wind – like
cigarette smoke.
Now that the ‘boundaries’ if you
will, have been pushed back even further, I feel the tide is turning. I’m not
one to impose huge restrictions on people’s freedoms; if you’re a smoker, by
all means, light up and puff away, in the hope that one of the hundreds of
related maladies claim your life later rather than sooner.
But roll the dice elsewhere; I
don’t want to breathe in your second-hand cloud of death.
It’s bad enough that I have had
to hold my breath for the last two years every time I enter or leave my
apartment, thanks to my neighbor – who’s a nice guy, I might add. Or that I
zig-zag on the sidewalks around town to avoid man-made migraine-triggering clouds;
don’t I get to enjoy the fresh outdoors too, or do I have to wait for the wind
to clear the residue of a freedom-loving pack-a-day stroller before I can take
a deep breath?
I’m all for the new bylaw here,
as unenforceable as it is, for I acknowledge the spirit behind it: that clean
air should come first for all, and those who are enslaved to a habit that will
kill them slowly, should do so without harming those who choose health over hazard.
Deep breaths, one at a time,
while waiting for some folk to admit that their habit’s killing us all.
2 – Jumping at Shadows
I mentioned habits above, knowing
that they’re hard to admit, and harder to break.
Some habits aren’t health
hazards, but rather amusing. Case in point: shadows.
It’s weird, but I can’t stop
jumping at my own shadow, on occasion.
Walking along at night, it’s the
streetlights, you see: they cast an extra shadow that sometimes gets me. From the
light behind me, that is, as I’m walking.
Sure, it’s silly, but more often
than not, I see my own shadow grow a few steps after I pass the light, and I
have to check that it’s not someone creeping up on me.
So far: shadows = 1,000 counts,
stealthy ninjas = 0. But then you never SEE ninjas, right?
I find it funny every time, and
it doesn’t happen every time I pass a light, either. Usually when I’m distracted
or worried about something else, is when I jump at the Creeping Shadow. All the
more odd living here in Victoria, one of the least likely places to get jumped
on a quiet, well-lit suburban street – not downtown either, where there’s lots
of lights and traffic happening. I can’t pinpoint when it started happening,
but it’s been going on for a while and I’ve only recently noticed my behavior.
Perhaps it’s related to Groundhog
3 – Bye-Bye to the Future( Shop )
Another tech chain bites the
dust: see ya, Future Shop.
Not that I’ve been a regular
shopper there, in recent years; not even a regular browser. Sure, my TV’s came
from there, but I’ve long since paid them off and cut up the card. Only the
rarest of good deals could spark my interest in buying there and the last of
those was years ago.
I’m more intrigued by the closing
itself and what it means for the tech business in Canada.
Having worked at
Staples, I’ve seen first-hand how retail shoppers are changing their habits.
Shopping has changed in the last
ten years, especially with technology. Online shopping is my norm now, checking
various sites for deals on things I need – and as I mentioned last week, I
don’t really need all that much, any more. However, people still come into
retailers looking for advice, to find CSR’s they trust and to kick the tires,
as it goes.
Times are a-changing, all over
the place, though.
My first Future Shop store
experience was amusing, back in the 90’s. I walked in the doors, only to
immediately be latched upon by a fresh-faced sales tech, eager to Sell Me
Stuff. To her vast disappointment, I answered all of her ‘Do you Have This?’
questions with Yeses, as I’d only that month purchased a then-top-of-the-line
Pentium computer system. I can still picture her crestfallen face( sorry! )when
I finished listing all the Stuff I Already Had and she wandered away to another
customer while I went to look at game software, which I didn’t end up buying.
Too expensive; I found it cheaper elsewhere.
Ironically, that mantra still
rang true for me the last time I went to Future Shop: Neat Stuff, but Too
Costly – I could find it cheaper elsewhere, even with shipping. I’m not a
browser, either, prone to impulse buys or sales-talk: I know what I need, then
I go and get it. Lessons learned, y’know.
I hope that the retail staff
unexpectedly laid off last week are able to find comparable jobs, just as their
predecessors from the 2013 Best Buy closures did - getting a no-notice boot
like that sucks.
As for me, I’ll keep shopping
online and enjoy not having to haul anything home on a bike, ever again. Ten
years from now, my orders may be delivered by drone to my local pickup-shop or
by a last-mile delivery company of my choosing – those that I’m not
3D-printing, that is.
It’s going to be fascinating to see how the
retail landscape develops.
4 – Neo and Peter Parker!
Yesterday was the first day of my
four-day weekend writing sabbatical, and I spent the majority of it fighting a
migraine while watching TV. Such are the foibles… but I realized today that it
was exactly what I needed.
The TV, not the migraine.
For what was playing all day long
but The Matrix trilogy? The first
movie drew me in and kept me, the second I hadn’t seen in a long time( and
found a little dull )and the third I didn’t bother with. No, I definitely
needed to see the first, because of the storyline:
It kept me interested, because it
maintained a mystery and delivered Big Questions about Life.
The Matrix is one of the few films
that always sticks with me for a long while after I’ve watched it, challenging
the assumptions I make in taking my reality for granted. Of letting the habits
I’ve developed become my life,
instead of seeking change and building myself beyond what I am now.
Today, as I still fought my
migraine, I watched another seminal film playing all day on TV: Spiderman 2.
Oddly enough, the second film is the best of the trilogy, one in which we
experience first hand the terrible choices a hero has to make in balancing
their personal life with the public. Spiderman 2 shows us those choices – and
their consequences – better than almost any other comic-book film I can think
of, in a believable way that, at the end, shows us how villains can be redeemed
and how our choices aren’t entirely our own, as our lives are inevitable
entwined with others whom we love and care for.
Their choices are ours, as well.
I needed to see both those films
this weekend, several times, to internalize some very solid truths that they
conveyed – my writing is at a stage where I need to face the truths that my
characters are facing, to inform the directions that their plotlines will take
and affect the entire novel’s path.
Even with a splitting headache,
my thoughts were clear and I’m grateful for Providence providing the films at
the right time for my Muse to digest. Lots of mental chewing going on this
All the same, I’m keeping the
Tylenol close at hand.
5 – Finding Voices
I did get some writing done
today, albeit not a ton, considering this was supposed to be a four-day weekend
writing sabbatical. I hadn’t counted on the double-whammy of Tired and Headache…
Still, progress is progress and
anything that’s measurable counts, even if it’s not in job lots. On days like
today, when my Muse is holding the door shut from the other side while I jiggle
the knob and mutter epithets under my breath, a writer has to look outside
oneself for balance. In particular, I have been wondering if my books have been
told in the right voice, or style, for the story.
As fate would have it, I recently
started following David Gerrold on Fbook and this very morning, he posted this
on finding one’s voice( here's a snippet ):
But I'm talking about style here. Later on, I realized something about style that was even more important than rhythmic constructions. Forget the word "style" -- it's a trap. Instead, think voice. It's not the style of the book that you want to find, it's the voice of the character, the voice of the world he/she lives in.Heinlein's stories all have a unique voice, so do Jack Vance's. And Harlan Ellison's. And Terry Pratchett. That's their normal writing voice. It's the same voice across the entire body of work. But there's another way to approach writing -- approach it like acting. Like Alec Guiness disappearing into each role so completely he's almost unrecognizable from one movie to the next. Each story demands its own separate specific unique voice.
It’s funny how some things elude you no matter how
hard you look, while at other times exactly what you need rings the doorbell
just as you start to flop your head in your hands. I was thrilled to read David’s
words today and found myself nodding along with the rest of his post, amused
and alleviated that my internal tension about my books could be so simply
That’s the power of words, folks.
A lesson worth remembering.
Oi, my head’s feeling somewhat
more normal tonight. Whatever tension I was carrying from the week spilled over
into a headache that took far too long to get under control and even now, my
shoulders are aching despite liberal applications of vibrational massage and
rest. All the same, I feel like I’ve done some serious thinking / novel
plotting this weekend, so it’s not a total wash. I also still have tomorrow
off( Easter Monday is a government holiday! )so I can get some more work done.
Piece by piece, I’m going to finish Book
2 so I can get to Book 3… ‘cuz that’s how it’s done.
You can't have YA fantasy without a lot of wistful eye-staring. :)
I'll be curious to see how the new lock works out. I looks like a solid piece, and I like the idea of pairing it with a cable lock. Yeah, that's twice as much to carry, but also twice as much time for thieves to invest.
Do you really know those shadows weren't ninjas? If the Tick taught me anything, it's that they're often ingeniously disguised as a hedge, so watch the angles. :)
Good point there about YA and eye-staring, Bob - I knew about that convention but man, there's still too much in the film by half. :-)
I'm curious about the new lock too, seeing as I no longer trust cable locks. I'm leaning heavily towards a second U-lock, for the very reason you mention: too much effort needed on the part of thieves with 2 U-locks, one of them being as tough as you can get.
As for the shadows: I keep trying for a solid look, but so far, nada... the ninjas around these parts are too good. Maybe I'll have to watch the Tick again to get a few pointers?
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