The word of the week is propensity.
25 – Phoenix Redux
Two years ago, I
experienced magic.
Not a slight-of-hand
kind of magic, or other similar kinds. No, this was the magic that comes from
ending a journey, of finding yourself in the right place, at the right time of
your life, to move forward.
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Each of these pic-snippets tells a story... |
Such a place was Phoenix,
AZ, where I was from May23-25 2013 attending the Phoenix Comicon 2013. I went there alone
on a hair-thin budget, unsure of what I’d find in a strange desert city.
To my surprise and joy, I found
Afterwards, I remember going down the street to the little pizza place that I've been several times before. I felt more at peace than I've ever felt in my entire life that night, as though imagined and departed spirits both were resting their hands gently on my shoulders to tell me that there were no longer any more burdens to bear, that I was free. I remember ordering two slices and beer at the counter and the girl who had served me several times before looked at me as though seeing me for the first time; perhaps the peaceful feeling that filled me was so evident that it radiated for all to see. I know that as I sat outside, enjoying the night air and watching people pass by, I felt as though I was seeing the world through new eyes with a balance that I'd never had before. I was content to just be in the moment and enjoy feeling no burdens, no cares, just a vast calm fulfillment that I'd finally finished a very long night and was now waiting to see the dawn.
It was perhaps the most
fulfilling experience I’ve ever had in my life to date… not bad, for a trip I
never thought I’d be able to make and had no idea what would happen.
How grand a trip it turned
out to be!
26 – Win for Writers!
Holy macaroons, Scifi
author John Scalzi just scored the holy grail of publishing deals today!
The author of Old Man’s
War just made a 10-year deal with Tor Books, for an incredible $3.4 million US dollars,
setting an incredible new benchmark for scifi writers.
Bottom line: it gives me hope
that I can be paid decent sum for my own writing, be it worthy.
Over the last 5 years, part
of doing research for my book has been to see who the writing markets work and
what authors are getting paid for their creations. Obviously, not everyone
earns the same and for the purposes of comparison, I’m only thinking about
traditionally-published authors.
Luckily, John Scalzi’s been writing scifi
since 1999 and was kind enough in 2007 to publish this rare insider’s view
of what he earned up until that point from his writing. As of 2005, he had a
3-novel contract, which was earning him a very respectable income:
That’s the kind of thing
that takes time, though. Scalzi is well-known for his prolific blogging, which
has really helped him connect with his readers( he even talks candidly about his writing income! )as well as
make him a household name. Now that he’s got a 13-year multi-million dollar
contract to attach to his name, you can bet that even more people will know who
he is.
Which is almost as
important as being a good writer, in the end.
27 – Oops Crossing
Some mornings, I really
need to pay more attention...
I use my walk to and from
work as thinking time, quite often running things through my head about the
writing I need to do for my books. It's a short walk, about 10 minutes either
way, longer if I stopped somewhere or detour for breakfast or dinner on
occasion for a variety.
On this particular
morning, I had stopped for a breakfast biscuit and was making my way towards work, with thoughts in my head whirling around particular concept I was
working with. Glancing up, I saw that the light had turned green and I checked
the oncoming traffic reflexively; everyone was stopped at the white line. I was
good to cross the street.
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I'm not dumb enough to use my phone while crossing, at least.. |
A few seconds after I
stepped off the curb, my forebrain finally kicked in and yelled at me: the light I had
looked at was for the wrong direction. The stopped line of cars began to move towards
me as I skipped inelegantly across the remaining distance to land on the
sidewalk as the vehicles proceed into and through the intersection.
Not my best moment for
proving that I was paying attention to the world around me.
Looking back at that
slight moment of silliness, I think a combination of morning lethargy and
inattentiveness due to concentration on my writing thoughts were to blame. If
I'd looked at the crosswalk sign instead of the light, then I wouldn't have
made a potentially dangerous mistake - of a type I rarely, if ever, make.
Lesson learned: save more
concentration power in the mornings for the walk, not the writing.
28 – Trolling?
Apparently a comment I
made this week online annoyed someone... +1 to me, unintentionally.
Which, in itself, is such
a comment occurrence on the internet that it should require no notice, save
that it was my comment and I’m not quite sure why someone would take minor
umbrage to it:
![]() |
I do not agree. |
What’s with this guy, I
wonder? Does he have a valid point to make, or is he just trolling his opinion
out there attached to my comment, because my admittance to not being vulgar somehow offends
him? Do I care that some random stranger has a nit to pick with me, in
the end?
Not really.
I chose not to respond,
because I couldn’t picture a scenario that ended well, or at least without a
profusion of profanity. In the end, I stated my opinion on the subject and that’s
good enough for me; if it wasn’t for this other guy, then that’s his problem,
not mine.
I have better things to
do, I swear…
29 – Scifi Sizes
A poster of mine died suddenly today.
To clarify: I have a number posters up
on the wall at work, all of them depicting various science fiction vehicles.
Unfortunately, one of them was not as well secured as I thought to be and when
a coworker slid in to visit, they ripped the poster almost in half as it caught
on a pocket of theirs.
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It's a big, BIG poster... 1 pixel=1 meter |
Cue sigh and immediate
thoughts of replacement: the poster( as shown above )was an incomplete earlier version of the massive
compilation of science fiction starships, so it's loss is not a total disaster.
I've actually been eyeing
the ships on another website, one that
has quite a few different size comparisons across many sci-fi universes,
including Babylon 5. The creators of the Starship Dimensions site had this to
say about what guiding principles went into in creating their site:
Everyone should read "Contact", then see the movie. Carl Sagan was a genius, and is one of the inspirations for this website. Per his example, we strive to get people to love science fiction, so that they feel inspired enough to try to bridge the gap between Science Fiction and Science Fact.
Personally, I love
anything to do with sizing up starships and/or spaceships. It's a step towards
making them seem more real, to taking things that exist only in the imagination
and grounding them with dimensional data so they can be compared to other sci-fi
ships or real world ships.
Next week: building a
full-size Millennium Falcon…
30 – Kards and Kites!
I gamed with friends at noon
today, for the first time in a long while. It was great fun!
We played Smash-Up, a fun
and fast card game that uses eight different sets of 20 cards to create themed
decks of creative combos. Pirates, Aliens, Dinosaurs and other factions can all
be combined in pairs to create unusual ways to win. Players attack bases to gain
victory points: the first player to 15 points wins and some creative strategies
emerged today along with some rather amusing ones as well. My two friends and I
managed to get three entire games in over the course of three hours and we
thoroughly enjoyed each one for the unique gameplay that occurred with the
random combinations of decks.
I also learned that I
really, really dislike Zombies.
In the late afternoon I
went with my lovely date down to Clover Point, to see the 2nd annual Victoria International Kite Festival. We’d brought along a kite, one I’d purchased a
month ago but not yet flown; I was waiting for the right opportunity and this
was the perfect time! We spent a blissful time in the strong winds watching the
kind bob and weave at the end of the line, in a sky filled with many other
kites of all shapes, sizes and colours. It was a lovely start to a great
evening and we both thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together.
If someone ever tells me to go
fly a kite, I’ll pick today as an example of how good it can be.
31 –Part Deux!
Why date just once a
weekend? Well, my date and I had such a good time yesterday, that we met for
breakfast again and spent a good part of the day outside, enjoying the wonderful
weather in good company. We didn’t end up flying any kites again, but there was a good deal of Babylon 5 and a park in there, so all in all I’d count it as a Second Successful Date Day.
Send me more of these kinds of
weekends, please!
It’s been a few weeks, but I
have to mention Game Of Thrones, because tonight’s episode was a doozy.
Okay, even knowing that
Winter Is Coming and all that, it still was shocking to see that Winter did
indeed come knocking in tonight's episode, a lot earlier than any of the
characters in the show might have thought it would happen. Apart from the
violence-heavy scenes, there were some fascinating nuances( big and small )in the episode which I
appreciated, most of them to do with figuring out exactly how the White Walkers
operate and speculating on what might happen next.
![]() |
Is he wearing a tie? So formal! |
I'm definitely a big
picture person and this is really feeding into my guesses as to what's going to
happen next. Not having read the books, this is quite exciting for me and I'm
really looking forward to the next few episodes to see how the season gets
wrapped up. Having successfully avoided any spoilers online, I really expect
myself to be on the edge of my seat for the finale.
Winter is coming, you know…
A busy week, with two wonderful weekends to bookend it... how can I not smile? I could say a lot more, but I'll leave with just this: life's been really good to me this month!
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