Showing posts with label demon stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demon stone. Show all posts

Friday, 30 May 2008

You call this exciting?

After carefully reviewing the emails and tabulating the votes received, I have crafted this week's blog to more closely conform to the requests of you, the readers. Enjoy! Only ONE link this week. So there.

May 26 - More B5. Yep.

Many of you wanted to know more about Babylon 5, so I thought I'd again recommend the Lurker's Guide to B5. This is a peerless companion to watching the episodes in order, as I am finding. I have been amazed all over again at the care with which each episode was crafted, even in the first season. The little details, visual and written, are astonishing, as is the fact that it was ALL written as a five-year story arc. As a writer, I am humbled by the sheer craft that went into creating such an encompassing work, and hope that I might someday know enough to attempt such a thing, should I be in a position to do so. Maybe, or maybe not.

May 27 - Niagara

I've booked off my vacation time for September, so that I can come back to visit Niagara. It's going to be costly though; the rail option looks to be no less expensive, so I'll likely nix that thought. Hopefully I can pick up a last-minute deal on one of the many sites I am monitoring / subscribed to, in the next few months.

May 28 - ?

Nothing interesting happened today. Really.

May 29 - Bio Scooters

I saw something amusing on the road to work today: a pack of scooters. Yes, scooters - not motorcycles, ridden by leather-clad bikers but instead a half-dozen people in casual dress with helmets, backpacks slung comfortably and just cruising along the road. It was highly amusing, and speaks to the attitude that Victoria has towards environmentalism. There are still quite a few motorcycles cruising around town, but they are outnumbered by the scooter crowd, who are themselves outnumbered by the bicyclists who are often three or four deep waiting at lights.

In the evening: BioShock looks amazing on my flat-screen TV; the retro design of the underwater city of Rapture( I love underwater cities, by the way )is just breathtaking. I love art deco, so it's enjoyable on many levels - pun intended.

May 30 - Friday Freezing

I managed to sleep until 8am this morning, a new record; this past week has seen me awake at 5:38 am three mornings in a row. Why THAT time in particular, I do not know; perhaps my neighbour's alarm I'm hearing somehow? I'll have to ask... but it's been annoying.

Damn, but it's cold here in the mornings, for being the month of May. My cycling jacket is a must, as the ten-degree temps make for a chilly ride in any non-windproof garment.

May 31st - Writing

Dang, but it's cold out... sunny though. I'm not as brave as some folks, who are perhaps used to Victoria's somewhat cool-ish weather of late. Setting up a blanket on the front lawn of the building to have lunch is nice, though not when it's 15 degrees C out there, sunshine or not.

I played a bit of an older PS2 game today, called 'Demon Stone', which interestingly has the voice of Patrick Stewart as the narrator. The gameplay is all right, but I mainly enjoy revisiting it for the story and character design - Zhai is especially well-done, though I question her personal motivations in terms of helping the other characters( she's a drow, after all, for those who care ).

In any case, I just relaxed today. Some writing was done, but I have a lot of my mind of late and the words aren't flowing to my satisfaction... more of a flow that you don't want to see or smell, if you catch my drift.

June 1st - Already?

The start of a new month always has me wondering what awaits me in the pages of upcoming days. Too bad I spent today working, but them's the breaks.

The second Sunday in a row spent working, but at least the weather wasn't super-annoyingly-sunny out, so spending the day inside wasn't so bad.

All for now. Next week: More Drama. More Excitement. More... B5?