Showing posts with label hadron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hadron. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Luggage, Lunch and Links

The week just sped by... it's suddenly Sunday evening, and Blog Time!

Sept 22 - SciFi

I ran across several sites today worth noting, at least if you like SF/F. If not, scroll down...

So, for those of you still with me, here are a few gems: The first is The SF Site, where you can find more on SF than most anyone can read up on in years. Of course there is always, where you can find all the latest media SciFi info. Then there's the bad SciFi, which you can now buy on DVD from Amazon - Harlan Ellision must be gnashing his teeth with this news of an upcoming DVD release.

Some folk manage to combine hobbies and SF in fascinating ways. Take this fellow for example; his woodworking skills have caught the eye of notables such as Stephen Hawking! But if you want hobbies, have a look at my friend Bob's blog, Ruined Niagara... he's got an amazing photographer's eye!

A little note for my no-cable thread: there is, a site which lists full episodes of TV as well as movies for watching... free! They do not have a complete database by any means, but you are almost certain to find a few things you'd like to watch,

Sept 23 - Need a favour?

I sat outside on a patio this afternoon, which was bright and sunny - for a few minutes. I was at the Starbuck's at the Bay Center, which has a great outdoor raised patio, perfect for watching the busy traffic pass by on the street. Pedestrians and cars alike wander past at slower speeds, with many a rubbernecker taking in the sights. I can attest that there were quite a few things worth looking at too; the sunshine seems to bring out the beauties, or at least so it seems to me. A surprising percentage of them seem welded to their cell phones, which does not bode well for phone radiation dosages...

While I was cogitating on the scenery and enjoying the remaining sunshine, a website I had visited years ago popped into my brain again. Curious, I typed in a close analogue of the name... and lo, there it was: Imagine a website where you can post your needs, or your offerings, to your community... to connect favours with those who need them. Simple, yet the idea of neighbour helping neighbour seems to have been forgotten in the last few decades... I blame it on several things, including the shift from cozy suburbs with front porches to locked doors in apartment buildings with only a door number to differentiate one dwelling from another. When was the last time you went to borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbour? Or they from you? Some things should never have been let dwindle... or be changed for the worse.

Sept 24 - Movies

I realized today that I have not been out to see a movie at a theater since I arrived in Victoria... and for some time before I left, for that matter. I think it is mainly because I dislike having to share my enjoyment of new entertainment with the general public, who by and large are not nearly as respectful of each other as I am of them. Cell phones, crinkly wrappers of food snuck into the theater, heads in my line of sight... there are many distractions to the 'theater experience' that I can do without. Especially the idiots with cell phones, who simply cannot turn them OFF. *ahem* In any case, I much prefer to wait and see movies in my own 'theatre' setup... which is good enough to really enjoy the experience - how many theaters have a fridge at hand, and will pause the movie when nature calls?

Looking forward to upcoming movie releases, I can honestly say the only ones I am interested in are ones like Transformers2, Venom and yes, Wolverine. There's even a prequel in the works for I Am Legend, which would feed my need for post-apocalyptic films quite nicely, thank you - the release of Death Race 2008 on DVD may entice me to pick it up, being a Car Wars fan of long standing. I have no desire to see the badly-titled new Bond film 'Quantum Solace' ... sounds like a documentary on the Large Hadron Collider that's sparked such an unneeded internet-fueled debate about the end of the world. It's just science, people.

Sept 25 - Exercise Plans

Outdoor activities for me in Victoria have been limited to my riding my bike around the city; sad, but that's what happens when everyone's so darn busy. I'd like to try activities such as kayaking, or even hiking a nearby trail. Since I've recently found out the waiting list for gallstone surgery will be up to 18 months, I can start my plans to get into shape now, so I'll have a shorter recovery time from the operation - which itself is not as massively invasive as in years past. So it looks like I will be cracking out the exercise guides, shopping for some free-weights and eying a gym membership with necessary distaste. I'd prefer to avoid the gym altogether, as I begrudge the time spent to get there and back; I could be doing other things. Still, we'll see what I can find that's decent within riding distance.

I still have not found a local (or Canadian, for that matter) vendor for the X-Wing Kite. Sadly, I will likely forego looking for it until the spring, as the cool factor will be severely diminished if one is flying it on cold, cloudy days by the ocean side. Joggers and dog-walkers wrapped in many layers might find a kite-flying amusing, if out of place, in the cold winter months here in Victoria.

Sept 26 - Cheap Cooking and Cars

I discovered a cook today after my own heart, one whose menus are 100% influenced by their cost: the 99-cent Chef. Yes, that's right: this chef only uses ingredients that list for 99cents or less... and he doesn't use expire-the-next-day items either. Some of his receipies are really good, and have inspired me to shop with a new viewpoint, somewhat similar to the "Shop the Perimeter" theory of grocery-store purchases; by staying OUT of the center of the store, you avoid all the high-ticket low-nutrition items that the store wants to sell you to boost their profits and lower your life expectancy.

Time to leave for work came too quickly today, just as the weather changed - again. Sunshine mocked me for a few hours until clouds rolled in suddenly in the late afternoon; amazing how the changes happen so quickly here. I did amuse myself during the inevitable lulls with some arts and crafts at work - yes, a pair of scissors cut a swath through some paper cars as part of an internal contest we're having. I found a whole bunch of great car designs at, all printable, as well as other printable items at this site. There was even a great site devoted to one of the many Hanna-Barbera cartoons, the Wacky Racers - you can download printable designs at this site, though be warned they will take quite a bit of time to build.

Sept 27 - Inventions and Lunch

I've had quite a few ideas over the years for new (and sometimes even useful!) inventions. One such was my idea for a GPS luggage-tracking system, way back in the 90's when cell phones were just coming into general use. I envisioned a tracker that would lock onto local cell towers, wherever it was in the world, to determine its postion and then send a txt msg with the lattitude and longitude of its position, Imagine: much like the VISA commercial where a remote pops out wheels on some lost luggage and zooms it across the world to its owner, this would enable one to locate luggage anywhere.

Unfortunately, someone has already created the device of my fervent imagination. The folks at MicroTrakGPS have developed a device that does just what I mentioned above, and is even halfway affordable. I have thought of several refinements though, that would make it more airline-friendly... nobody wants a GPS activating at 30,000 feet to cheerfully cause interference with a jet's controls. Unlikely, but you don't want to take that risk.

I had lunch today at the Oak Bay Marina Restaurant with my parents, which was a very pleasant culinary and visual experience. The restaurant is circular, with a commanding view of the marina and the bay itself though floor-to-ceiling windows. We were seated in a curved booth in the middle of the restaurant's inner circle, whose elevated height swept our eyes across the other diners to the vista beyond; the sunny skies made the view a spectacular one. The food was excellent as well; I had the Chef's Special, which was a seared sole fillet with tomatoes, potatoes and goat's cheese. The taste was subtle and varied, depending on how one combined the cheese with the other elements. Expensive though, as expected, but a treat nonetheless.

Afterward, I trotted down to the Cook St. Village Starbuck's and spent a pleasant few hours on the patio outside, which I discovered has a heating system akin to that of the Kilt's in Port Dalhousie. Winters at Steebs are on the schedule now, especially given the mild climate here. I was amused by dozens of Green Party supporters canvassing the Village as well; many people stopped to chat with them, all of them friendly, which again jut blows my mind... where else would you see people HAPPY to slow their cars down to shout encouragement, or even pull over to talk? The weather likely helps, as everyone loves a sunny weekend. Sadly, I forgot half of the power ensemble for my laptop, so my work was cut short by a flashing power warning... but the sun still shone, regardless.

The rest of the evening blurred, as I fought off a migraine whilst getting caught up on various neglected tasks around the homestead. Tidying turned out to be its own reward: I finally located my long-lost Futurama DVD's! Seasons 1-4 had vanished in the move, and I had feared they had been stolen along with my Olympus camera by those charming thieves at Multicities Moving.

Sept 28 - Ancient Internet

Way, way, WAY back in the day, in the heady days of 1994 when the Internet was just a few hundred machines linked together by string and tin cans, the Cool Site Of The Day debuted. Racking up an electic mix of sites offered, yes, daily, the CSOTD continues to THIS day to be a great browse. Surprisingly, some of the sites listed from back in the early 90's are still online, including the Lurker's Guide to B5, as well as the Mystical Head of Bob. One of the first dozen sites listed was.... the CIA main site. People STILL wonder if back then the CIA logged and investigated each hit on their site... despite the occasional hack attempt, they may still be doing so.

Along with that, may I present: The Acronym Generator! No longer do you need to struggle to come up with an appropriate acronym for your world-dominating organization - the AG does it for you! Before l33t-speak, acronyms were quite common in internet chat rooms, where slow typists would make up for their lack in, er, speed... with phrases like the ubiquitous LOL, UR2COOL and GMAFB.

A working sunday... so I sleep in and get home in time for dinner - not a bad deal overall. I suppose I won't be going on any tours of Victoria's interesting places in the next month, unless I am able to wrangle a free Saturday to nab a vehicle. Touring on bicycle is only good in the good weather; something about being rained on takes some of the shine off being a tourist, though in Niagara Falls that just meant you were standing too close to the Gorge.

Well, that about sums things up, for now. I have a few vacation days coming up before the end of the year, so I will be madly sorting through my photos and updating my blog, finally. There's just so many, I have to just finish searching while comparing them to each blog entry... but since ImageShack seems to be doing the trick, I can include photos more easily in the future - if I manage to take any good ones, that is.