I'm still on the fence about canceling my Vonage phone, but for now I'll keep it. Best times to call me are 11-1pm or 11pm-1am, EST... before or after my usual work times. All on that for now.
Feb 16 - Love those eyes...
Seems all that is on the news these days is doom and gloom about the economy. Yet it appears that some saw it coming... have a look at this video by a fellow named Peter Schiff. It dovetails nicely into some info I discovered about similarities between the current crisis and what happened in Japan in the late 90's... eerie similarities there, actually.
Having moved out to BC, then from Victoria to Langford in the West Communities, I've yet again struck a blow against expanding my social circles here. Not that I had a large one to begin with, after a year here, but being dependant on a vehicle or bus to 'ride into town' to socialize was not part of my original plan... but so be it. One never knows what the future will bring, even if you are Peter Schiff, yet we have to make plans and adjust as best we can. While I enjoyed riding my bike to work last year, this year since I'm not feeling so good, perhaps it's best to limit my rides to recreation for now. Of course, I could always sign up for one of these seminars...
Who knows? If I ever ran across someone with eyes like Tilda Swinton, who was the White Queen in The Chronicles of Narnia, I might just dive in and get lost. The future in an eyeblink...
Feb 17 - The End is in site...
A few years ago, I reprogrammed one of my routers to use OpenDNS, which is a simple way to surf the 'net faster - this bit explains it a little better than I could. I just reprogrammed one of my routers with OpenDNS this week, nothing like getting speedier 'net access... for free. Considering I've just upgraded to the fastest version of cable with Shaw.ca, things around here should be pretty speedy now.
Surprisingly, the economic slump has postponed the demise of dialup 'net access, whose budget price is very appealing when trying to figure out to save a buck.
This doesn't help those without internet access at work, like myself - the silicon highway doesn't exist for me, save for 'approved' sites such as 411.ca or other sites that make my job easier. Yet blocking sites like Facebook may not be such a good idea for businesses, overall, and while I admit that some people might abuse the privilege, not having 'net access at work these days is annoying to most.
Feb 18 - Growing up G33k...
Brian, this one is for you: Doctor Who... as an anime character. Animated, no less!
On the topic of Doctor Who, it brings back memories of the 70's, and all those TV shows that I grew up with. In addition to Doctor Who, there was The Incredible Hulk, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica... and many more. There is an amazing picture here that one artist has created that immortalizes the best of these shows... I was impressed with the detail that was put into it!
Yet modern era technology has let us do things yet-unthought of back then.... take Google Earth, for example. Recently, they added seafloor data to the application... and one intrepid soul with FAR too much time on his hands was trawling through it when he made an amazing discovery. Is it true? We'll see.
Then again, we have some controversial ideas popping up regarding internet use, so who's to say things weren't better back when the quickest way to reach out and touch someone was a phone?
Feb 19 - Linkup at work?
Work is work, and of late is proving to be rather wearing. Tax season is ramping up, and being the only person at my branch means that my task-juggling skills are being stretched every day. While not physically taxing, the always-on all-day mental challenges have proven to be rather exhausting, though so far I've been up to the tasks at hand. I can say it's NOT boring, not that it ever was really...
Speaking of work, here's links to the sites for some of my friends, who put a LOT of hard work into 'em:
The Art of Brian Thomas Woods
Jinx The Black Cat - From Mike, plus Newt & John!
ImageryFusion.com - yay Pierre!
Also, thanks to Paulino for posting this link about credit balance scams... informative video, watch it and decide for yourself if you need it. Especially in this era of job insecurity.
Feb 20 - What are they thinking???
This week has been bacon-free, mainly because I blundered across this story... which while unrelated in terms of food still just plain old grossed me out. Though not as much as the receipies I found here, which should probably only be served around Halloween time. Except the brain food, of course!
Perhaps it falls under the category of Odd News, which I have always enjoyed, usually from the decades-old News of the Weird column that has appeared in many papers throughout the continent.
One little tidbit I picked up from a Mythbusters episode: just as helium can make your voice squeaky, other non-toxic gases can alter it the other way too. Neat!
Lastly, it seems I am not alone in changing my diet... Andy Walker recently had to remove coffee from his daily menu. Fortunately, I never took up the habit, along with drinking, smoking, or skydiving... so at least I can narrow down any health issues without those complicating factors.
Feb 21 - Waiting
I'm waiting for the Watchmen movie to come out March 6th, with bated breath. Until it does, I'll have to content myself with some amazing photo galleries, like this one. Plus, I just found out about this gem... the mini-comic from the Watchmen story, The Black Freighter, will be coming out as it's own DVD, voiced by Gerald Butler of 300 fame.
Having cable TV for the last few weeks has proved to be less of a temptation than I thought, overall. While I missed some shows like Mythbusters, or the Space Channel, in general I find myself flipping through the Shaw electronic Program Guide( love it, $2.99 a month! )for long minutes without finding anything I really want to give up my time in hour-long chunks for. I think what appeals to me about live TV is that I don't have to fiddle with loading a DVD... which says something about couch potato motivation. Still, watching Adam and Jamie test the ancient Chinese rocket-firing hwacha was amazing!
Feb 22 - Oscars
My first day off, and it's been most enjoyable though it's going far too fast. The sun came out for a few hours this afternoon, and that attracted a huge flock of robins to the front lawn in search of worms. Barely ten feet away through the windows of my living room, they were happily plucking wrigglers from the dirt before my eyes - I've never seen so many of them all at once. Tristan watched avidly too.
Watching the Oscars tonight as I wrote this blog, I was struck by how upbeat and non-ax-grinding they were compared to past years. With Hugh Jackman as an energetic host, plus various changes to the programs, the show tonight was a definite Feel Good Experience for the audience.
Well, another few hours whiled away whilst writing this web-blog... not too much happening this week, but I still hope you enjoyed it!

Feb 16 - Love those eyes...
Seems all that is on the news these days is doom and gloom about the economy. Yet it appears that some saw it coming... have a look at this video by a fellow named Peter Schiff. It dovetails nicely into some info I discovered about similarities between the current crisis and what happened in Japan in the late 90's... eerie similarities there, actually.
Having moved out to BC, then from Victoria to Langford in the West Communities, I've yet again struck a blow against expanding my social circles here. Not that I had a large one to begin with, after a year here, but being dependant on a vehicle or bus to 'ride into town' to socialize was not part of my original plan... but so be it. One never knows what the future will bring, even if you are Peter Schiff, yet we have to make plans and adjust as best we can. While I enjoyed riding my bike to work last year, this year since I'm not feeling so good, perhaps it's best to limit my rides to recreation for now. Of course, I could always sign up for one of these seminars...
Who knows? If I ever ran across someone with eyes like Tilda Swinton, who was the White Queen in The Chronicles of Narnia, I might just dive in and get lost. The future in an eyeblink...
Feb 17 - The End is in site...
A few years ago, I reprogrammed one of my routers to use OpenDNS, which is a simple way to surf the 'net faster - this bit explains it a little better than I could. I just reprogrammed one of my routers with OpenDNS this week, nothing like getting speedier 'net access... for free. Considering I've just upgraded to the fastest version of cable with Shaw.ca, things around here should be pretty speedy now.
Surprisingly, the economic slump has postponed the demise of dialup 'net access, whose budget price is very appealing when trying to figure out to save a buck.
This doesn't help those without internet access at work, like myself - the silicon highway doesn't exist for me, save for 'approved' sites such as 411.ca or other sites that make my job easier. Yet blocking sites like Facebook may not be such a good idea for businesses, overall, and while I admit that some people might abuse the privilege, not having 'net access at work these days is annoying to most.
Feb 18 - Growing up G33k...
Brian, this one is for you: Doctor Who... as an anime character. Animated, no less!
On the topic of Doctor Who, it brings back memories of the 70's, and all those TV shows that I grew up with. In addition to Doctor Who, there was The Incredible Hulk, Buck Rogers, Battlestar Galactica... and many more. There is an amazing picture here that one artist has created that immortalizes the best of these shows... I was impressed with the detail that was put into it!
Yet modern era technology has let us do things yet-unthought of back then.... take Google Earth, for example. Recently, they added seafloor data to the application... and one intrepid soul with FAR too much time on his hands was trawling through it when he made an amazing discovery. Is it true? We'll see.
Then again, we have some controversial ideas popping up regarding internet use, so who's to say things weren't better back when the quickest way to reach out and touch someone was a phone?
Feb 19 - Linkup at work?
Work is work, and of late is proving to be rather wearing. Tax season is ramping up, and being the only person at my branch means that my task-juggling skills are being stretched every day. While not physically taxing, the always-on all-day mental challenges have proven to be rather exhausting, though so far I've been up to the tasks at hand. I can say it's NOT boring, not that it ever was really...
Speaking of work, here's links to the sites for some of my friends, who put a LOT of hard work into 'em:
The Art of Brian Thomas Woods
Jinx The Black Cat - From Mike, plus Newt & John!
ImageryFusion.com - yay Pierre!
Also, thanks to Paulino for posting this link about credit balance scams... informative video, watch it and decide for yourself if you need it. Especially in this era of job insecurity.
Feb 20 - What are they thinking???
This week has been bacon-free, mainly because I blundered across this story... which while unrelated in terms of food still just plain old grossed me out. Though not as much as the receipies I found here, which should probably only be served around Halloween time. Except the brain food, of course!
Perhaps it falls under the category of Odd News, which I have always enjoyed, usually from the decades-old News of the Weird column that has appeared in many papers throughout the continent.
One little tidbit I picked up from a Mythbusters episode: just as helium can make your voice squeaky, other non-toxic gases can alter it the other way too. Neat!
Lastly, it seems I am not alone in changing my diet... Andy Walker recently had to remove coffee from his daily menu. Fortunately, I never took up the habit, along with drinking, smoking, or skydiving... so at least I can narrow down any health issues without those complicating factors.
Feb 21 - Waiting
I'm waiting for the Watchmen movie to come out March 6th, with bated breath. Until it does, I'll have to content myself with some amazing photo galleries, like this one. Plus, I just found out about this gem... the mini-comic from the Watchmen story, The Black Freighter, will be coming out as it's own DVD, voiced by Gerald Butler of 300 fame.
Having cable TV for the last few weeks has proved to be less of a temptation than I thought, overall. While I missed some shows like Mythbusters, or the Space Channel, in general I find myself flipping through the Shaw electronic Program Guide( love it, $2.99 a month! )for long minutes without finding anything I really want to give up my time in hour-long chunks for. I think what appeals to me about live TV is that I don't have to fiddle with loading a DVD... which says something about couch potato motivation. Still, watching Adam and Jamie test the ancient Chinese rocket-firing hwacha was amazing!
Feb 22 - Oscars
My first day off, and it's been most enjoyable though it's going far too fast. The sun came out for a few hours this afternoon, and that attracted a huge flock of robins to the front lawn in search of worms. Barely ten feet away through the windows of my living room, they were happily plucking wrigglers from the dirt before my eyes - I've never seen so many of them all at once. Tristan watched avidly too.
Watching the Oscars tonight as I wrote this blog, I was struck by how upbeat and non-ax-grinding they were compared to past years. With Hugh Jackman as an energetic host, plus various changes to the programs, the show tonight was a definite Feel Good Experience for the audience.
Well, another few hours whiled away whilst writing this web-blog... not too much happening this week, but I still hope you enjoyed it!