Showing posts with label watching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label watching. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Tea, Tickets and Raw Food

Just a reminder that anyone can call me at the local 935# I have set up in Niagara. It will ring both my home and cell at the same time; if I don't answer, it's because I am at work... but leave a message anyway. :-)

June 16th - People Watching and Tea

Opened the store today, another lovely one by the looks of it. One thing I like about this branch's location is that it is at a busy intersection, with a major bus stop out the front. As a bonus, there is a coffee shop and a tanning salon in the plaza; all that combined means there is always steady stream of people passing by. The big windows here means that people-watching is very easy and often fascinating. Today, for example, I saw a little old monk go by in his brown robes, at a steady pace with his walker which he does regularly. Too, I saw the unhappy woman with her drawn face, whose hair is in a perfect pageboy-bob every time. Then there is the older woman with the small child she takes for walks each day, who claims she is the daughter of Paul Sr. from the TV show Orange County Choppers - she comes in for laundry change fairly often. These are a few I know of the many passers-by, quite a few of whom I admit are very pleasing to the eye. Especially those who frequent the salon: a fitter, sleeker bunch I have not seen.

I took my parents out to the James Bay Tea Room( see the Virtual Tour here ) today for High Tea to celebrate Father's Day - a day late, but so it goes when we both work a weekend. It was a new experience for all of us, though I am sure it would have been absolute heaven if we had been monarchists, given all the images of British Royalty that covered the walls. The place was very relaxing, with a nice view along the road and a tasty assortment of finger-sandwiches for each of us.

June 17th - Clouds? No Sweat

The weather changed today, clouds rolling in from the west and the sea as they always do. I am pleased to say that weather changes here do not cause me nearly as much grief as they did back in Niagara. There, any major changes in air pressure would set off headaches; in Victoria, I feel a little discomfort most times and that is a wonderful change. Also, the temperatures are milder in the spring and summer; as I have mentioned, it seems COLD here, but I would still rather that than have to sweat my way through each day to and from work. Heck, I do that already... I might pass out if I had to do it at thirty-plus-degree heat. Not to mention the usual humidity that plagues Niagara most days...

June 18th - Daze Off

Again, I awoke early around 7am and started the day running... well, not literally. Lots to do, including getting my book collection sorted, finally - they're all grouped by genre, instead of haphazardly tossed on the dozen bookshelves I have in this place. It's been frustrating to go back to read a series and have to HUNT for the next book in line all over the place, but no longer... THAT took a few hours. Later in the day I helped out my mom with some maintenance at her condo, including some back-straining blind-swapping to make it easier for my parents to reach the cords. Some of these are half-million dollar condos and you'd think the details like that would have been better designed. Also, securing bookshelves and tall objects against earth tremors is an ongoing job; we had a small 4.0 shaker today, which I didn't even feel.

Amazingly, it was past dinnertime before I got home to relax...

June 19th - Ticket Miracles! Writing Wonderment!

HOLY COW - What a deal! My mom sent me an email late last night about a 2-day sale from Sunwing Airlines, a company I'd never heard of. After checking it out, I almost broke the phone this morning, I dialed so fast - $99.00 from Victoria to T.O. One-way with NO fuel surcharges? After the dust had settled and I had secured a round-trip ticket, the total after all was said and done was less than $400.00 ... 1/3 what I had been expecting to pay given current rising prices( heck, even the Russians are worried ). I was so happy I did a jig on the sofa... and didn't fall off, for once. YAY!!!!

On another happy note, I have been contributing steadily to Cyberwalker now for almost a year, and I am pleased to say it has been a completely lovely experience( thanks Mike! ). Knowing that one's articles are being published on a website seen by millions of people a year is a heady thought, and the fact I can write articles to both help and educate others is very liberating. Along with this blog, it has helped to hone my writing skills, as has my growing ability to dissect and learn from the many written works that I devour every week as time permits.

June 20th - Raw Food, and a Raw Deal

After opening the store today, I stopped at the local Thrifty's to pick up some veggies - I was invited to a raw food potluck by my downstairs neighbour and I had to pick up something to bring As it turns out, I picked the perfect things( mushrooms and broccoli ): there were a TON of dips and little else to dip with. It was a wonderful evening, as the most interesting people showed up to talk, including one young guy who travels Canada as a storyteller. His memory astounded me, as he recited numerous works, composed himself, with only his mind's eye as a record. We're going to correspond, as I am eager to see how he relates his first-hand knowledge of our fair country using the written word.

And did I mention that for the entire night, we were ALL throwing puns around? I was in heaven... and I held back, so as not to overdo things. Wonderful....

Of course, there has to be balance... as I found out when I finally returned to my apartment after four hours downstairs. I discovered that the NWN Nordock storyline had had a MAJOR EVENT while I was at the potluck, wrapping up the last year's major plot line WHILE I WASN'T THERE. Needless to say, I was ticked.

June 21st - Savory Saturday

Still feeling full from last night, I took an extra shift today( overtime! )so I had to cut short my first visit to the Moss Street Market, that runs 10-2 every Saturday just up the road from me during the warm weather. One of these days I'll do more than just drive by.

Reading through the local tourism mags has been very educational for me - there is SO much to do here that I feel guilty some days for not taking advantage of it all. Well, the free stuff anyway; I've yet to wander through Beacon Hill Park, or along the shore at Clover Point( some lovely pics here ) - the breezes there are PERFECT for flying kites( check out these two pics ). Given all that there is to do here, from art galleries to restaurants, parks, cycling trails and dozens of other activities, I am going to have some serious free-time angst, hence my decision to cancel my cable - I just can't justify spending time inside around here. Heck, with my PDA, I can compose articles anywhere I feel like it, except in the parks when it's raining.

June 22nd - Sunday Revolution

My only real day off this week... and of COURSE I woke up early. I put that early wake to good use though, getting my laundry done before anyone crowded the machines, as well as finishing all the usual home-chores by noon and so freeing up the day. I spent part of the afternoon playing Civ: Revolution with Lucas, as we actually got the multiplayer part of the Xbox360 demo working - on the first try too! It was fun, and the second game left us on a cliffhanger: my capital of Rome was poised to be invaded in a HUGE fight... when the game crashed. Argh! I was reminded of the old PC game Empire, back in the days of DOS...

Some of the rest of the day was spent watching B5( of course! )and doing some writing... though that tapered off fairly quickly for some reason. A few hours of NWN brought me to the close of the day, where I updated this before bed. Tada!

All in all, a pretty good week. You should also know that I do put some thought into the daily titles, to try and reflect the events of each day. Reflective...