Finally... after months and months, I have the pictures I want AND I know how to post them to the blog - a good combination. *** I've added pictures from my neighbourhood and my new apt all throughout this blog. Read on...
Feb 18th - the Return of Groo!
I worked at another location today, the one near the 2-for-1 $5.00 movie theater. I was all set to see a double feature tonight of I am Legend and The Golden Compass... but I checked the marquee on the way into work, and they'd replaced Compass with P.S. I Love You .. ick. So, I just went home to read the new copy of Watchmen I'd bought before work at one of the many local comic shops. I've heard about this mini-series for well, twenty years now, but never actually picked up a copy to read it. Now I have it all in one lovely yellow-jacketed book. And to TOP it off, I discovered that Sergio Aragones has come out with a NEW limited series of the Groo The Wanderer comic book... nice! On a side note, check out the 10 Coolest Toys from the 2008 New York Toy Fair... I just have to try to find that kite!
Feb 19th - So long, little buddy ...

Soldiering on, I spent the morning working on a few things around the apartment. Spring cleanup, I guess you could say... which it certainly seems like, with no snow and temperatures in the low double-digits: sweet! Oh, I sold my old PDA on eBay last week, my versatile Asus MyPal A716. Having taken in trade a Dell Axim X50v, I no longer needed the little guy and so gave him up to a good home. Too bad the bottom fell out of the PDA market a year ago, or I might have gotten more for the A716... I just can't see myself trying to use a smaller smartphone's screen instead of a PDA; too tiny!
Interestingly, I heard today that B.C. will be celebrating it's 150th year as a province this year. I guess I sure picked the right time to move to 'The Best Place On Earth' ... right before the biggest party in a century and a half! As well, the Province will be giving every man, woman and child a Climate Action Dividend cheque for $100.00 this June, part of the government's recent pro-environment budget.
Feb 20th - Crazy at Work, literally.

Got a call this morning that a co-worker was rather ill, so I agreed to come in in the late afternoon to finish off the shift and cover for her; strep throat isn't something to mess with, so she's staying home. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, as they say. The evening finished with a crescendo of crazy an hour before close: a crack addict( or similar drug )wandered into the lobby with a friend, and wouldn't leave. She was well off her head, having misplaced her cheque or somesuch... the bottom line was that she was freaking out in the lobby( and getting worse despite her sane friend's attempts to calm her & get her out of there )so much that I had to call the police to have her removed. Reason and patience didn't count for much when her eyes were rolling back in her head like a zombie chewing on fresh brains. I felt helpless, in that there was nothing I could do for her - her suffering was plain to see, but at the same time I had to step back and realize that she was in it herself, and that I would just get dragged down if I did something stupid to try and help her immediate situation. She was still waiting around, howling outside the store, as I closed up and went home, to sleep rather fitfully and ponder the fragility of the mind.
Feb. 21st - My Ship( ferry? )arrives at last.
I worked the mid shift today, after a morning spent groggy from lack of sleep. Amusingly, the same woman from last night came in just after I started work. 'Carrie' apparently found her cheque, and was much, much calmer... but one could see the dark waiting behind her eyes, even in the bright sunshine pouring into the lobby. Amazing what a difference a night can make, making evening the craziest addict seem almost normal at more than arm's length. Shocking. Still, good news with bad, I suppose. My ship came in today, so to speak, so monies owed to me are coming back in decent enough quantity that I will be able to pay down a few things that have been hanging over my head like the Sword of Damocles. About time too, give the current rates of interest... that and a good tax return means I won't be wondering which ends to try and stretch to meet this month's month-end, for once. We'll see about next month, but the outlook is good.
Feb. 22nd - First Day Off of a 3-day weekend!

I started off the day with breakfast at Quizno's, then off to give various places their dues early. It felt good to pay things down ahead of time, instead of waiting for the bills to come in at a larger size than they were a few months previous. A nice, nice feeling for a change. It's not a lottery win by anyone's definition, as THAT would be conducted in a limo with cash leaking out the windows. Still, small steps in the right direction are GOOD, no matter the size of the coin leakage. The rest of the day was, in a word, spectacular. I spent part of it walking the neighbourhood( it smelled like spring, warm and sweet! )taking pictures in the brilliant sunshine and sipping a chai tea at the Cook St. Starbucks. That was very relaxing: the village was FULL of people going about their business, stopping to chat with one another and smiling... so many happy folk I wanted to sit there and smile like a fool myself, but I restrained myself to a wide grin. After a surprise call from Rene & Shiloh( miss ya!! )I spent the evening watching various things on TV: some recorded eps of Robotech and Shadow Raiders, and the ever-popular The Fifth Element, one of my more Fave Films.
Feb 23rd - The Much Anticipated Pics!

Surprisingly, I didn't watch a single cartoon this morning, as I was quite busy cleaning the place up to take some pictures for this blog. Here's one taken down by the coast, ten minute's walk from my front door:
I spent a good deal of the day out and about, doing the usual "Hey, I forgot I needed that..." shopping, returning things that don't work, and generally getting good use out of a rented car. Evening was partly spent online with NWN, as I ran into an old friend and caught up with her for a bit.
Feb 24th - Lazy Sunday at the Parent's Place
Well, kind of a letdown today, but at least it was productive. I had breakfast at home, then did some work on the PC for a bit( backups are boring ). Picked up for lunch at Quizno's, where I tried out their new 'Sammies' ... basically small toasted flat pita's in four varieties. VERY tasty, and the pitas were SO fresh, like poppin' fresh squishy. Yum! After that, it was hours spent putting things together at my parent's place... patio sets can be SO fussy. At last the cat was happy to see me, and he didn't have to help aside from drooling all over.
Evening was relaxing too, as I was feeling worn out for some reason.

Well, I managed to get all the pictures up at last. Apparently Blogger.com had issues Sunday. From the top, the pics are: 1) Moss Under a Bench 2) The mountains to the south 3) Greenery on Feb. 22 4) my New Apt on the Day of Possession 5) More Greenery in Feb 6) The Coast 10 mins south of my new Apt and 7) my new Cozy Apt Setup.... plus a Sunset to finish it all off.
Feb 18th - the Return of Groo!
I worked at another location today, the one near the 2-for-1 $5.00 movie theater. I was all set to see a double feature tonight of I am Legend and The Golden Compass... but I checked the marquee on the way into work, and they'd replaced Compass with P.S. I Love You .. ick. So, I just went home to read the new copy of Watchmen I'd bought before work at one of the many local comic shops. I've heard about this mini-series for well, twenty years now, but never actually picked up a copy to read it. Now I have it all in one lovely yellow-jacketed book. And to TOP it off, I discovered that Sergio Aragones has come out with a NEW limited series of the Groo The Wanderer comic book... nice! On a side note, check out the 10 Coolest Toys from the 2008 New York Toy Fair... I just have to try to find that kite!
Feb 19th - So long, little buddy ...

Soldiering on, I spent the morning working on a few things around the apartment. Spring cleanup, I guess you could say... which it certainly seems like, with no snow and temperatures in the low double-digits: sweet! Oh, I sold my old PDA on eBay last week, my versatile Asus MyPal A716. Having taken in trade a Dell Axim X50v, I no longer needed the little guy and so gave him up to a good home. Too bad the bottom fell out of the PDA market a year ago, or I might have gotten more for the A716... I just can't see myself trying to use a smaller smartphone's screen instead of a PDA; too tiny!
Interestingly, I heard today that B.C. will be celebrating it's 150th year as a province this year. I guess I sure picked the right time to move to 'The Best Place On Earth' ... right before the biggest party in a century and a half! As well, the Province will be giving every man, woman and child a Climate Action Dividend cheque for $100.00 this June, part of the government's recent pro-environment budget.
Feb 20th - Crazy at Work, literally.

Got a call this morning that a co-worker was rather ill, so I agreed to come in in the late afternoon to finish off the shift and cover for her; strep throat isn't something to mess with, so she's staying home. Of course, no good deed goes unpunished, as they say. The evening finished with a crescendo of crazy an hour before close: a crack addict( or similar drug )wandered into the lobby with a friend, and wouldn't leave. She was well off her head, having misplaced her cheque or somesuch... the bottom line was that she was freaking out in the lobby( and getting worse despite her sane friend's attempts to calm her & get her out of there )so much that I had to call the police to have her removed. Reason and patience didn't count for much when her eyes were rolling back in her head like a zombie chewing on fresh brains. I felt helpless, in that there was nothing I could do for her - her suffering was plain to see, but at the same time I had to step back and realize that she was in it herself, and that I would just get dragged down if I did something stupid to try and help her immediate situation. She was still waiting around, howling outside the store, as I closed up and went home, to sleep rather fitfully and ponder the fragility of the mind.
Feb. 21st - My Ship( ferry? )arrives at last.

I worked the mid shift today, after a morning spent groggy from lack of sleep. Amusingly, the same woman from last night came in just after I started work. 'Carrie' apparently found her cheque, and was much, much calmer... but one could see the dark waiting behind her eyes, even in the bright sunshine pouring into the lobby. Amazing what a difference a night can make, making evening the craziest addict seem almost normal at more than arm's length. Shocking. Still, good news with bad, I suppose. My ship came in today, so to speak, so monies owed to me are coming back in decent enough quantity that I will be able to pay down a few things that have been hanging over my head like the Sword of Damocles. About time too, give the current rates of interest... that and a good tax return means I won't be wondering which ends to try and stretch to meet this month's month-end, for once. We'll see about next month, but the outlook is good.
Feb. 22nd - First Day Off of a 3-day weekend!

I started off the day with breakfast at Quizno's, then off to give various places their dues early. It felt good to pay things down ahead of time, instead of waiting for the bills to come in at a larger size than they were a few months previous. A nice, nice feeling for a change. It's not a lottery win by anyone's definition, as THAT would be conducted in a limo with cash leaking out the windows. Still, small steps in the right direction are GOOD, no matter the size of the coin leakage. The rest of the day was, in a word, spectacular. I spent part of it walking the neighbourhood( it smelled like spring, warm and sweet! )taking pictures in the brilliant sunshine and sipping a chai tea at the Cook St. Starbucks. That was very relaxing: the village was FULL of people going about their business, stopping to chat with one another and smiling... so many happy folk I wanted to sit there and smile like a fool myself, but I restrained myself to a wide grin. After a surprise call from Rene & Shiloh( miss ya!! )I spent the evening watching various things on TV: some recorded eps of Robotech and Shadow Raiders, and the ever-popular The Fifth Element, one of my more Fave Films.
Feb 23rd - The Much Anticipated Pics!

Surprisingly, I didn't watch a single cartoon this morning, as I was quite busy cleaning the place up to take some pictures for this blog. Here's one taken down by the coast, ten minute's walk from my front door:

Feb 24th - Lazy Sunday at the Parent's Place
Well, kind of a letdown today, but at least it was productive. I had breakfast at home, then did some work on the PC for a bit( backups are boring ). Picked up for lunch at Quizno's, where I tried out their new 'Sammies' ... basically small toasted flat pita's in four varieties. VERY tasty, and the pitas were SO fresh, like poppin' fresh squishy. Yum! After that, it was hours spent putting things together at my parent's place... patio sets can be SO fussy. At last the cat was happy to see me, and he didn't have to help aside from drooling all over.
Evening was relaxing too, as I was feeling worn out for some reason.

Well, I managed to get all the pictures up at last. Apparently Blogger.com had issues Sunday. From the top, the pics are: 1) Moss Under a Bench 2) The mountains to the south 3) Greenery on Feb. 22 4) my New Apt on the Day of Possession 5) More Greenery in Feb 6) The Coast 10 mins south of my new Apt and 7) my new Cozy Apt Setup.... plus a Sunset to finish it all off.
1 comment:
nice backyard
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